forty one.

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the gallows

   SAMANTHA HAD ONCE been a girl of trouble and consequences

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SAMANTHA HAD ONCE been a girl of trouble and consequences. It was something she took pleasure from when she was younger, her taste for adrenaline and a lust for risk overpowering her senses.

She was used to getting into sticky situations, but for some reason this one made her heart beat heavily.

The afternoon sun slowly lowered itself from the sky and was transitioning to the evening one - soon twilight would fall. The building stood in front of her, and she knew that Elliot was inside and waiting for her.

Samantha drew her bottom lip to her teeth and nibbled onto some flesh, glancing around the streets. Everyone was in their own little bubble, and from what she could tell no one was watching her.

If someone was, she already had all her stuff packed back in her apartment. She just needed to get Nathan.

With a shaky breath she opened the door and entered the building.

It was dim inside, a small lamp in the corner of the room and shining orange into the space around it. Samantha glanced around, looking for the figure of the boy she's risking almost everything for.

"Elliot, it's me."

Her voice triggered a shuffling, and she looked for the source. The boy of fourteen came from behind a wall near the back, his hair messier than it was an hour ago, his demeanor more calm yet he still kept his whole face guarded and ready.

"I got you a bag to put the supplies in," She said, giving a quick glance towards the shelves around them. "We need to be quick and we need to be quiet."

Elliot nodded, and Samantha held the backpack open as he dropped things into the bag, keeping an ear open towards any movements that didn't belong to either of them.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He asked and she looked up at him. His back was towards her, looking through some canned foods.

Samantha shrugged. "I put my trust into someone I thought I knew," She stated, feeling that twinge of sadness when she thought of Merle Dixon.

"He ain't shit then." Elliot stated.

He took some cans and walked over, placing them into the bag and continuing through Woodbury's supplies. Samantha felt guilty that she was stealing, but she couldn't admit the selfish drive that told her that the Governor owes her.

Water bottles piled in, and she felt the fourteen year old's blue eyed stare. She looked up and met his gaze, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"She was my sister," Elliot said slowly, a noticeable crack in his voice.

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