twenty five.

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meager things

   HER HEAD WAS pounding and warmth trickled down her skin, pain aching her body

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HER HEAD WAS pounding and warmth trickled down her skin, pain aching her body. When Samantha's eyes fluttered open, she was met with ones that petrified her.

His ocean eyes were cruel, full of malice and unpredictable things, his lips twisted up into his infamous smirk. He was staring down at her through a window, as if saying; well, you're in a predicament.

Her blood ran as cold as ice, flight or fight kicking into her system as she tried to shake away the fiction from her reality. He isn't real. He isn't real.

"Casey?" It came out as a tremble, a small utter of the timid girl he made her out to be.

As soon as his name left her lips, his face shifted - it wasn't her ex boyfriend, it was a walker. It slammed its head into the window and a yelp escaped Samantha's lips, the smell of its decaying flesh hitting her nostrils and she tried her best not to vomit.

She turned to her side and saw Lori unconscious, blood also tricking down her forehead. For a second, the thought of her being dead crossed Samantha's mind and fear gripped her heart, but that was soon replaced by relief when she saw her chest heaving up and down.

The walker slammed his head into the glass again, clawing into it. Samantha felt horror course through her and she begun to shake Lori, rapidly glancing at the dead corpse and her unconscious friend. "Lori, Lori!" The young adult exclaimed hurriedly.

Finally, her eyes fluttered open and browns met her greens before they fell on the walker. She screamed and moved away. "I know, he's ugly." Samantha joked weakly, her heart racing in her chest and rattling her bones. "You became the very first woman to crash a car in the apocalypse. Congrats."

"What are we going to do?!" Panic rose in Lori's voice, and there was the sound of glass breaking. The walker had finally broke into the barrier of the window, his head in between the broken shards of glass as his teeth grind together.

Samantha looked around for any other way out - and then she found it. The window on the other side of the car was open. Bingo. "You go first!" She ordered, gesturing towards their escape. Lori quickly obliged, crawling over and hoisting herself up, almost falling but Samantha was quick behind her, using her hands to lift up the woman by the bottoms of her shoes, glancing at the walker as it snarled at them.

Once she knew Lori was safe, headaches and dizziness shot through her as she used what's left of her strength to climb out. By time time she was on top of the tipped over car, the mother was already on the ground and breathing heavily at the sight of the wrecked vehicle. "Are you okay?" Samantha gripped her head as she said this, pain piercing through it.

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