Chp 5 | A Survivor of the Fire

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In the apartment, there was a kitchen, a small living space, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It was a little dusty but it seemed better than nothing as you watched her roam around. Observing her, you noted her appearance. She had very short brown hair with gray streaks, pale ashen skin, green eyes, worn down clothes, and seemed to be in her early 60's. "Excuse me, but who are you? Why did you bring us here and what did u mean that they wouldn't welcome outsiders?" asked (F/n). Facing you, the woman spoke. "Sorry for hurrying you here without your consent girls. I had no choice but to drag you here as time was too short. You see, the people here aren't as you think or see. They're sinners that do not welcome outsiders affectionately. They'd mostly torture them, kill them or even sacrifice them. They aren't trust worthy and did terrible things, which they must now pay for." A dry silence settled before she started speaking again "...years ago, I lost my two daughters and husband in a trip we had out of town. When I had awoken in the hospital, the police had said they had a car crash, but I knew that those sac of sects caused their death and they didn't die from a car accident but a fire ritual. Nothing else could have been more intensive than a fire to have scorched their bodies the way they had been found like." You continued to listen and stayed suspiciously, subsiding all negative thoughts for now. Your fingers grazed over the radio in your pocket and remembered the shop items linger in your mind. You looked towards Alice and she nodded in agreement as if already knowing your thoughts. As the both of you pulled out the items, the sudden sounds of violent scratching came from the other side of the door.Something was desperate to get in. "Rest assure, they won't be able to get in here any time soon. But trust me, you don't want to open that door." Spoke the woman. Certain that she knew more about what was best, you decided together more information about the place. As 2 days flew by, the older woman known as Marionette shared all the information she knew with you and (F/n), well at least the ones that she still remembered since she suffered of Dementia. With all the new data received, you knew what lingered beyond the doors and streets of the town once the siren blared. Monsters that only seemed surreal to reality sprung to life from adult nightmares. They came from 'The Beyond'. A girl who was brought here by her mother to be 'fixed', brought a dangerous and evil spirit which after her unimaginable torture, granted her to condemn the town into eternal punishment of severe painful infliction. These monsters were birthed by the sinful townsfolk. Terrifying creatures roamed the streets and corridors. Out of those mannequins, patients and nurses, one monster held a chocking grip on Marionette which pushed her to unquenchable fear and paranoia. That monster, was Pyramid Head. "I remember seeing him emerge from the corner of the street.  He dragged a corpse behind him along with the Great Knife that was used to punish the sinful ones. " she said. "I felt the terror in me be gripped by his beastly hands even when I hid. He was tall, ominous and terrifyingly strong. His shadow held a large triangular headpiece grafted onto his head. An apron seemed to start from his waist and down, apparently stained by his victim's blood, but I couldn't see anything else once the fog settled. That time was probably the last time I ever saw him, and I hope it will be." 

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