Chp 1 | Road Trip

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Driving down a long highway to Brahams, you and your friend (F/n) were both on a trip to spend some quality time, adventuring the town and its infamous features. You and (F/n) had been friends since high school and were recently reunified during a work conference, which had taken a couple months ago in South Virginia. The both of you had decided on this trip two weeks after the conference, essentially to catch up with things in your lives. You and (F/n) kept in contact since then, and are now on your way to an exciting journey. (F/n) lay fallen asleep on the passenger's seat as the sky became dark and the night got cold. It wasn't even winter yet and you were both kind of tired. (F/n) being the more worn out type, snored loudly in her sleep. You kept your eyes on the road as your Jaguar F-type vehicle sped throughout the night. You used your GPS to guide your drive to Brahams. That is until, it started to glitch. This was just a brand new car you bought one and a half months ago, so why is it glitching? Confused, you hit it a few times until it came back to normal. Retracting your hand, something felt strangely odd and vaguely wrong. You slowed down the car, not seeing the sign you had passed. Looking in the direction your GPS was directing you to follow. It was making you nervous as to why it was showing you a lane road that led off the public road and into a duller path. It didn't seem to be commonly used and promising, though the public road was clearly isolated tonight. This got you pondering and questioning intently, but thinking it was just a short cut, you ensued to follow and drive in the direction since you always assumed GPS(s) were trust worthy. But oh you were wrong.

Moving further in, the track became slightly unsteady due to the unmaintained course that seemed almost untrailed and the rockiness of the road. You were thinking of turning around to head back to the public road until you became self-assured by the upturn of the course that became smoother and more firmed. Still unsure if this was a short cut or not, you continued to drive until you heard your phone ring. "Hello?" you answered. "Hey dear, it's me, your mom" spoke a wakening voice. "I just woke up from my late nap 5 minutes ago, and wanted to give you guys a phone call and check up on both of you. How are you two doing on your trip to Brahams?" asked your mother. "Oh! Well (F/n) and I are doing well right now, though she fell asleep on the passenger seat again and I'm left with solitude once more. Her snoring got even worse than high school, but that's why I love her so much" you responded. "I'm currently driving on some highway right now and I don't know where it leads to, but I'm guessing the GPS is instructing a short cut." "What?...Really?!...Dear, your GPS doesn't sound very promising. Maybe you should just turn around and head back onto the public road. It'll be safer" her voice spoke, laced with concern. "I can't do that now mom. It looks like we've already lost some time and don't worry. Everything will be alright. It's not like something's going to come exploding at us" you said trying to lighten her. "Sometimes...I wonder if you'll ever find a man" "Mom!No!  Do I look like I'm desperate or something?!" "I'll feel so sorry for him. He'll think he's so unreliable and next up, even he won't be able to help you with your libido life." "MOM!...PLEASE...STOP!... Did you even hear what I just said?" "Nope! But you are hardheaded like your father haha. I love you very much, ok. Both of you be careful out there, and don't come back without some grandchildren." "Ok ok ...wait, what did you just say?" "I expect you to come back with a man too!" "GHM-MA! Really! Like, SERIOUSLY! You literally sound like you're pregnant yourself.... *sigh* well either way, I love you too mom. Take care and Bye" "Bye dear, be careful." You both ended the call, keeping your eyes peeled on the road. You slow down the vehicle, peering your eyes at the gate obstructing your path. Squinting your eyes as much as you could, you get out and move towards the worn down gate. It led over a rusty bridge, so you go back to the car and retrieve a tool to cut the lock and remove the chains. After clearing the way, you head back in the vehicle and drive off over to the other side.

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