Chp 6 | The Time of Depart

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Time passed quickly like sand seeping through your fingers. The trio hadn't gone outside for the past 4 days and you couldn't get any more information off of Marionette about the town, nor about the punisher, Pyramid Head. It was time for you and (F/n) to leave as neither of you wanted to spend the rest of your lives stranded and trapped in a loony place like Silent Hill. "Are you sure you want to go back out there?" she asked.  "We're thankful you let us stay with you, but we'll have to find our way out of here as soon as possible" you said. "You know you can come with us " (F/n) said hoping. Marionette locked eyes with both of you but shacked her head in denial. Her eyes seemed to speak for her and that was not exaggerated. Her mouth lingered ajar and hung down, but closed once more. "Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine where I am. There is nothing for me out there and I've chosen to stay long ago. Just make sure to never drop your guards ok. It's a dangerous world out there." The way her faced contorted into a frown, you knew she had forgotten whatever she wanted to say. Unknown of how impacting this missing piece was to be, nothing followed and you chose to just stop her for there. She was losing herself to fatigue from staying up all night yesterday as her night shift. You all share a hug and part. 

The door closed behind as the only safest place you'll ever possibly find, locked away. The corrupted gates of heaven had been shut and you both ensued on a hellish trail out the building. Exiting the building left you both exposed to danger and queasy. You make sure to keep Alice next to you, secured. The streets were enveloped in a thick fog, ash falling from the sky, and a heavy suspense lingered in the air. As you and (F/n) roamed the streets, watching the wind rush through the gaping holes as doors hung on jaunty angles. Everything was a rotting heap of matter, subservient to the elements of time and waste. The wind held whispers and as you felt your feet ache, (F/n) suddenly pulled you behind a vehicle. "What's - " "Shhh" (F/n) hushed pointing her finger outwards as you followed her gaze, eyes fixed on one thing. Two moving figures were seen walking around before another figure appeared. Though, it moved more primitively. It's movements were delusional but its body outline seemed so humane. A gunshot was heard and the third figure transformed into an abnormal outline before it fell to the floor 2-4 gunshots later. It was apparent that the deceased figure was a monster, but the others, you weren't so sure anymore. When the fog started to lift, the two figures' appearances became more visible and distinguished a woman and female Police Officer. The Officer shoots the creature once more before throwing her jacket down, her short blonde hair exposed. Her comrade suddenly runs away and the Officer follows in pursuit before any of you could yell out. (F/n) rushes forward dragging you along as due to the fog, your locked vision lost hold on the others. You stomp your foot to a halt causing (F/n) to almost get jolted backwards. On the right, a board with directions appeared and you both gave up on the chase, ensuing to pass by buildings and enter one. The whole building sent chills down both spines reminding each other of nightmares with large, bare, dusty windows. (F/n) walks up the stairs and finds a desk. She looks through the crooked door and searches the cabinet but appeared locked. She looks on the side before searching a box and finds the key to open the cabinet and finds a long, rusty key. Looking around, "the foes of the righteous will be condemned" was written on the wall behind. A hiss is heard from a corner but nothing was there. A painting of knights and an angel hung on a large wall, torn almost to shreds as a large tear was apparent on the angel's neck. "I don't like this place, can we hurry and get out of here?" said (F/n). You see her look sideways and wrap her arms around her chilled body. Hesitantly you  walk up to another door with a number nine nailed above it. You slowly open the door with (F/n) holding her torchlight to clear the path. The door lets out a rusty creak as its hinges protest. 

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