Chp 9 | First Encounter

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After the bathroom incident, you both rushed through the school's corridors trying to find the exit. Suddenly, you almost get caught by three men in gas masks that held a bird cage with a yellow canary. The canary goes insane, flying in every direction of its cage like a storm. As a signal, they all leave immediately somewhat petrified and anxious. Confused, you both followed them at a safe distance. You jumped at a bloodcurdling scream that resonated through the halls, making your hair stand on end of your neck.  You halt in shock and disgust at the sight of the three men being consumed by rats. Their mask, no longer helpful as the rats gnaw through the material and squeeze through the mask devouring whatever they could get under their mouths. A vile pain shots throughout (F/n)'s throat as she lungs forward and vomits. Grabbing her hand you run away and down another corridor. You and (F/n) rush towards the exit, ramming into it as  you both fall through the door and end up outside in darkness. It is only once you stand that (F/n) collapses, her knees felt like stone after running constantly as she gulped down breaths of air. Helpless, you pulled her up and walked on, her feet dragging across the carpet of lifeless leaves outside as each breathe pulled at your chest before spotting a strangely large figure emerge from the flock of rats. A figure is spotted entering a building you were both heading to. The doors scrape open and before you take a turn, you see a woman  woman lean against the lockers, weeping in the darkness. You leaned against the wall with (F/n) not going any closer to the woman. Suddenly, you hear something as if small crawling legs stamping towards you. Peering behind, your eyes expand realizing small flesh eating bugs were coming your way. Looking back, another figure emerges and drags the woman into a room away from the flesh eating bugs. You hoist (F/n) up and move further down the hall, seeing the bugs infest the entrance to two figures' shelter. The bugs stretched out in front of you, forming lumps of distorted bugs that seemed to reach out and grab your flesh. Suddenly, you hear a large scraping sound resonate throughout the walls. You look back, and you freeze unable to move, trap in the trance of fear and perplex feelings. What was it. What unearthly being had it been. It stood at least a foot taller than any average man, almost 7 feet tall. Its complexion was entirely embalmed with scars, ominously muscular with a murderous stench that seeped the inspiration of evil in its victims' hearts. The large creature dragged a Great Knife along the floor, scraping the floor to ruins. It bore a rusty hunk of metallic triangular headpiece grafted onto his head with a single hole. His forearms soaked in dried blood with a single wear, sewn from strange fabric. Silence filled the air until he pierced the door with the knife in great strength, invading the other figures' shelter, opening a gap through the iron door in murderous attempt. Their screams reverberated in sheer terror and horror for their lives, endangered by the creature that moved the blade to hit every corner of the room. More flesh eating bugs invaded the room, pilling in like diseased water. It removes its large knife, its hand shoved inside in attempt of remove the iron spear that blocked the iron door. Sounds of gunfire were heard, watching as the creature retreated its arm that bled. Lifting its blade, likely of killing one of the figures hiding inside the room. Your perplexed feelings overwhelm you. "HEEYY!" You hear a scream echo throughout the halls. It stopped. It turns around. You suck in a sharp breath as his bloody torso was exposed to you, realizing you had recklessly screamed out to it. Shocked, stunned, and petrified by his physique that emitted with malevolent strength. It was like nothing you had ever seen before. Suddenly, it started to move in your direction dragging its Great Knife behind it. Each of your legs moved, struggling to pull (F/n) along with you. "(F/n)! (F/n)!!! Come on get up it's coming, we have to get out of here." You look down and see that she had lost consciousness. In flimsy attempt, you pull her up as much as possible and drag her, flesh eating bugs coming at you in front. The wheels in your mind churn, instinctively ducking as the creature swings its blade almost scraping your friend's leg. Fearing she'd get hurt, you see the two others figures from before appear behind the creature. Gunfire are heard once more but it doesn't affect the creature other than distract it. Using all of your strength and might, you shove (F/n) to the side as the blade comes swinging at you. Dropping down in a tumble, twisting your ankle but managed to avoid it in time. "Please take her to safety. I'll distract him in the meantime" you said getting to your feet while struggling, and rushing in the opposite direction to them. The creature swung its blade again, chasing after you. Your injured ankle slowed your pace. Turning corners for nearly 20 minutes, it pursued you non-stop threateningly as you were getting worn out. Each muscle fiber founding your body ached and throbbed like a heart beat. One leg after the other, you rushed towards a corner before it could notice you escape its sight. You hid behind the wall, hearing your labored breathing as you peered over from the corner. It was gone. Alas, you took another breathe. The blade comes swinging down and you dodge it at its last second, wincing as the sharp tip unfortunately grazed your arm. Unable to move, you crawl further from it. Its large knife raised into the air for the finishing blow. It comes down. The last thing you'll ever see. 

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