Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:

........................ Ezra's Point of View..............

"Hi my name is Ezra" I said to the mom of the woman I was in a wreck with.

"Well my name is Ella and my daughter's name is Aria." She said.

"Well I am sorry I hit your daughter Ella, Aria is a beautiful name." I said smiling a little bit.

"Well you didn't mean to do it did you?" Ella said laughing.

"No I did not Ella, I would not hurt anyone on purpose." I said while frowning a little bit.

"Why are you frowning? Ella said sounding worried about me.

"I guess it just saddens me that you would have to ask that. Also that people would actually do." I said being totally serious.

"I am sorry Ezra I did not mean to sadden you." Ella said looking a little sad herself.

Just as I opened my mouth to say something to Ella the door opened and it was the doctor and I could help but be thankful that he was there because I was in a lot of pain by this point.

"Hi Ezra how are you feeling? I am Dr. Reed." the doctor said to me.

"I am in a lot of pain in my legs though." I said

"Well I would honestly be surprised if you didn't tell me your legs were hurting." Dr. Reed said.

Ella and I gave him a puzzled look. Then Dr. Reed proceeded to explain how I would have to have surgery on both of my legs to repair all the ligaments and tendons above and below the knee.

"Wait what does that mean?" I said not believing what I was hearing.

"Ezra I am afraid you are going to have to learn to walk again after the surgery." Dr. Reed said as though he had no emotions at all.

"Can I have some time to myself please?" Is all that I could get myself to say. And then everyone left my room and I was in my room alone thinking.

........................ Aria's Point of View..............

"Can I go see the guy you call Ezra the was in the other car?" I asked my doctor she seemed nice enough.

"Yes Aria you can but be careful with your broken arm." She said.

"Thank you Dr. Emily." I said.

"Ok well he is in room 123." She said and pointed me in the direction towards his room.

I was walking in the halls and saw a vending machine and it had Lays and got some. I mean who doesn't like Lays I thought in my head?

I think opened the door to room 123 and I saw a guy laying in bed and was crying seeing a guy cry is something you never want to see trust me it was painful looking at him. I shut the door behind me trying to be quiet.

But then he looked up at me. And dried off the tears from his face and he said "Aria?"

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