Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

........................Ezra's Point of View..............

This girl named Aria is amazing. I have never met anyone like her before. I wonder how old she is I kind of just assumed. It is ok though I'm sure things will work out. They have to work out because she is amazing! I can't wait for our date it is going to have to be prefect. I have a feeling she is someone who is not easily impressed by just a "normal" date. Hmm what am I going to do to surprise this beautiful girl, Aria? Walking into the school I am starting to teach at I couldn't stop thinking about her. I just got sat onto my chair in my class and I got a text on my phone from Aria.

It was her saying it was nice to meet me even though it involved the pouring of her coffee. I couldn't help but laugh while I read it.

I then replied say "We need to have coffee sometime hopefully without it getting all over me this time."

She then texted back " Ha ha yeah I totally agree Ezra. Do you ever think you will let me live down the fact I poured my coffee all over you?"

I texted back " I don't know Aria I think it gets you to smile and you have a pretty smile."

She said. "Awe thank you! You have a nice smile yourself."

"Aria do you think we could meet up at the library say today around 4?" I texted thinking because I am going to be teaching until 3:30 p.m.

She texted back "Yeah I will meet you there I got to go I have class."

I texted "Ok I have to teach my class."

Right in that moment after I hit send her phone went off and I looked right in front of myself to see her right in front of me talking to a different girl talking about Ezra from the library. So I just said um Miss?

Then she suddenly jerked around noticing it was me. Her mouth suddenly dropped and mouthed Ezra? Miss can you come to my desk please?

"Oh my gosh! I am sorry I didn't know you were my student" I said while whispering.

"Well your wrong because I was in here just talking to my best friend Haley." She said as she was pointing to the girl that she was talking to before I asked her to come to my desk.

"Well what class are you in then?" I said a little frustrated with her thinking she was lying to me.

Then she responded "I am in the one at Hollis College I am taking English Comp 1 the one that is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 1:30 until 3:00 and they haven't announced the teacher yet."

All I could do was say that is my class also.

"What?" is what she said.

I opened my mouth to say something and right at that moment she said " I will figure this out".

"Ok." I said as she walked out the door. I then turned to my class realizing there were a few students in the class and most of them looked at me funny. Then all of a sudden a lot more came in and a tiny bit later the bell rang.

I then looked at everyone and said " Hello my name is Mr. Fitz and I am your English teacher."

I then started going over all the stuff I had planned for the semester including the books I planned on having them read. The few essays I had planned and then I talk about how often I planned on giving test then about the exams. I then also talked about how I weighed the grades.

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