Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

.....................Aria's Point Of View............

I started was sitting in my math class. I could not stop thinking about Ezra being my teacher. I have to get out of my English class with Ezra. I can't have him as my teacher I just can't. I want to get to know him I really do but I can't if he is my teacher. I let out a big sigh. Then got a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Aria are you ok?" Clay said looking concerned

"Yes I am good can't you tell?" I said with a big fake smile.

"Yeah sure you are Aria sure." Clay said sounding like he wasn't convinced with what I was saying.

Dang it why can't I convince Clay? I thought in my head maybe I have known him to long? Yes that must be it! I think suddenly got out of my thought by hearing Clay talk. I then listened to him he was going on about what he did this last summer. He talked about camping which he just loved doing. I loved to go camping to but I never talked about it. You would think Clay never went into a house all summer by the way he talked about camping, hiking, and biking all summer. Clay was one of those people who has loved the outdoors since we were little. He is probably going to be a park ranger at a national park. If he did that no one in the senior class would be surprised.

"Aria is there anything you want to tell us about what you did this summer?" The teacher said.

"Um I just read a lot of books. I read a lot outside when the weather was nice. I also wrote some of my own stuff. I didn't do much us. As you know I am the reader of the class." I said and everyone laughed and agreed with what I had said.

"Did you do anything besides read and write Aria?" The teacher insisted.

"Um I don't know what you want from me. I mean I guess I spent some time shopping with my best friend Haley. I also tried to get Clay over here to go to the movies with me." I said as I pointed to Clay.

"Yeah but they were movies that I have never heard of! Nothing that you see commercials for on the tv." Clay said sounding like he was defending his reputation.

"Yeah they were movies that are way better then the ones you see the commercials for on tv. I said.

"Yeah well I like things that normal people don't like, so there." I said smarting off thinking that is probably why I am attracted to Ezra I couldn't help but think to myself.

"Ok ok enough you two" the math teacher said.

I still haven't figure out what the math teachers name was I thought in my head. Then again I haven't been able to figure out much since I have been thinking about Ezra and how I was going to get out of his class. I can't think about going with him let alone date him if he is my teacher. Maybe I can convince the principal to let me take speech instead of English. .....Yes that should work get out of English by taking Speech at the college. I am going to transfer into speech. I figured it out yes!

Just then Clay tapped my shoulder and said "Hey are you ok? You just suddenly smiled really big.

"I did? No I didn't. I said as covering my mouth. As I realized I was doing exactly what Clay had said I was doing. I hope no one else noticed. I mean that is entirely possible. If you think about how Clay is one of my good friends. Why is class not over yet? I mean it seems like this class is dragging on and on.

"Are you thinking about someone?" Clay said to me whispering.

"Maybe, is it really any of you business Clay? I said.

"Well since you said it that way it is my business yes." Clay said laughing lightly.

"Oh Clay you wish you knew things in my head don't you?" I said.

"Yes I wish I knew all of your thoughts because then maybe I could understand why you like those crazy movies." Clay said

"For one thing they are not crazy they are wonderful and second never going to happen." I said smirking.

"Only you, Aria would think they are wonderful. Well and the people who made them." Clay said laughing at me.

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