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Annie's P.O.V.

"Oh, my god." I said and ran down that stairs and knelt down by her with Luke, Anna, and Lilia. "Oh, shit." I said and looked at Luke.

"Oh, god." Asher said coming down the stairs.

"Is she unconscious?" Lilia asked concerned.

"Help me get her on her feet." Luke said and I grabbed her left arm and he grabbed her right one and we lifted her up.

She groaned a little and dropped her head down. "Guys, she's bleeding." Anna said.

I looked to see that she had a cut on her forehead. "She might have concussion." Asher said looking at Syd.

"We gotta get her to the hospital." Luke said.

"Can you drive?" I asked looking at Asher and he nodded.

We hurried out of his house and out to his car. Luke took his keys and threw them to Lilia and said, "Meet us there." And me and Luke helped Syd in the backseat and Asher got in the drivers seat.

He pulled right out of the driveway and on to the street. He occasionally looked back worried at us and me and Luke just tried to keep Syd awake.

"No, no come on you gotta stay awake." Luke said and lightly hit her cheek.

"Faster Ash." I said and her pressed on the gas more and we were definitely over the speed limit but we were so close to the hospital.

I looked down at Syd and her eyes were barely open and rested her head on Luke's shoulder. I just looked at him and he didn't take his eyes of his sister.

He pulled up to the hospital and we helped Syd our of the car and we rushed in. "Please, help. We need help." Luke said.

Two nurses took her from our arms and told us to wait in the waiting room and they'll let us know when they know what's happening with her.

"Hey, what happened?" Lilia asked running in with Anna behind her.

"They took her in there and just told us to wait, wait for what though? I don't know!" Luke said starting to get pissed.

"You gotta calm down." I said and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't tell me how to be." He said shoving my arm away from him forcing.

"Hey, I know this is a stressful situation but you need to control yourself." Asher said taking a step closer.

"Oh, fuck you Mr. Popular. You don't know anything about real shit. You are living your best life so just leave the rest of us out of it. And while you're at it just quit trying to be a new person and make people like us think you're really a good guy. Because at the end of the day you hang out with your jock friends and just sit back while us descent people get bullied into do whatever the popular people will get a laugh out of, if it's the way the we dress, they way we talk, the way we keep our heads down in the hall scared, or the way they beat the shit out of us every. Single. Day. In the locker rooms because it's entertaining. So don't go thinking that you know what it's like to be at the bottom because you don't." Luke said and his voice was cracking and I saw he was holding back some tears. And he shoved Asher back and just walked out of the hospital.

Me, Anna, and Lilia just looked at each other with our mouths open. "I've never seen him that upset before." Anna said.

"Me neither." Lilia said and the two of them looked at me and I just nodded.

After Caleb's death he was a reck and blew up on us a few times but it was understandable.

And about a half hour past and Luke is still gone and Anna and Lilia have gone off to see if they can get any information from the nurses about Syd. So it's just me and Ash right now and I'm pacing back and fourth and and he's sitting watching me.

"Are you gonna calm down anytime soon?" He asked looking at me.

"Calm down I can't calm down. One I'm in a hospital, two I don't know what's happens to my friend and three, I'm in a HOSPITAL!" I said pissed. I hate hospitals with a burning passion.

"It's normal for people to be afraid of hospitals." He said as I paced.

"No, it's not that." I said.

"Then what?" Asher asked still looking at me.

I looked at him kinda nervously. I sat down in the chair next to him. God in starting to feel sick, I nervously rubbed my palms on my knees.

"That last time—" I started to say but my voice cracked a little. I cleared my throat, "the last time I was in a hospital was when my brother died." I said and closed my eyes to stop myself from crying.

Asher didn't say anything with included him not saying 'I'm sorry' which was refreshing because I absolutely hate pity.

"My dad died in a car accident... since we're sharing." He finally said and that was something I didn't know about him.

"Oh..." was all I said.

He grabbed my hand and held it and I finally looked at him. He had a serious look on his face but just stared back at me which was basically all we needed.

I just looked down at the floor and held his hand back and we just sat there. And it was so comforting for some reason but he makes me feel safe.

"Is all that stuff true?" He asked and I looked at him confused. "All the stuff he said about me... and you?"

"Oh," I said and looked back down and I nodded slightly.

"And that's why you don't want me to know who you are?" And I nodded again. "How can you think that. Haven't I proved myself?" Asher asked and I know he was looking at me.

"Remember what I said before?" I wondered.

"About the cow thing?" He asked.

"No, about how we don't go together. And your ex absolutely hates me." I said rolling my eyes.

"My ex..." he trailed off.

"Oh right, you dated like have the girls at school." I said a little annoyed/jealous.

"What? Is Little Miss. Dork jealous?" He asked smiling in a teasing tone.

"You don't get to hold my hand anymore." I said taking my hand back thinking it was stupid but I guess I was wrong.

"No, please I'm sorry." He complained and tried to grab my hand again.

"Nope. You made fun of me." I said crossing my arms.

"Please forgive me." He begged and I shook my head, "please." He said leaning closer.

"Nope." I said.

"Please." He said again and kissed my cheek. "Please." He whispered with his head resting on the side of me head and kissed my shoulder.

"Uh-huh." I said shaking my head.

"Pretty please, with sugar on top." He said making me smile. I put my hand out and he made a cute little sound and grabbed it.


Well, Luke got some stuff off of his chest that he's been holding in for a while now. And we got some more cute Ashannie moments thanks to me.

You're welcome.

Love you all💜🌻🦔

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