Carrying the Banner

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(Ignis's/your POV)
I was woken up by Race starting the day by singing.
Race:That's my cigar(Race sang in an angry tone)
Snipe shooter:You'll steal anodda(Snip sang back I'm annoyed tone)
Kid Blink:Aye bummers we got work ta do!(he said smacking them both upside the head)
Specs:Since when did you become me mudder?(he sang blowing his breath in Blinks face)
Ignis:Ah stap ya bawlin!(I sang tired of them arguing)
Newsies:Hey!Who asked you?!
(Mush walks up to Jack) "So,How'd ya sleep Jack?" "On me back Mush" he replied "HAHA! Did u guys hear that I asked Jack how he slept and he said on me back Mush"Mush yelled playfully punching him.
"Hey Jack?When I walk does it look like I'm fakin it?" Crunchy asked as he walked over to Jack "What?! No,who said yer fakin it? "I don't know it's just there's so many fake crips these days a real one ain't gotta chance." "I gotta find a new sellin spot where dey ain't used to seein me"Crutch responded as he watched Jack our on shaving cream
Mush:Try bottle ally or da harbor
Race:Try Central Park,it's guaranteeddddd
Jack:Try any banker,bum,or barber(he sang as he flung shaving cream at Mush)
Skittery:They almost all knows how ya readd(he sang as I handed him the towel for him to wipe off his face)
Kid Blink:I smell money(he said coming out the bathroom)
Crutchy(I'm just gonna stop putting it in bold it's just taking longer):You smell foul(he sang backing up and stumbling to the wall)
Mush:Met this goyl last nighhtt(he said shoving blink away from Crutchy)
That's what I liked about the boys we could all make fun/and tease eachother but no matter what we protected eachother we were all the family eachother had left
Crutchy:Move ya elbow!!(he sand as he tried to wash his face)
Race:pass the towel!!
Skittery(still having the towel I handed to him):For a buck I mighhttttt!
Newsies: Ain't it a fine life carrying the banner through it all?Ain't define live carrying the banner tough and tall?Every morning we goes where we wishes!Wes as free as fishes
Ignis:Sure beats washin dishes(I sang from personal experience)
Newsies:What a fine life carrying the banner home-free all!!
Jack:It takes a smile as sweet as butter.(Jack sand looking at me,I smiled almost mocking him)
Crutchy:The kind that ladies can't resist!
Race:It takes an Orphan with a stutter.
Jack:Who ain't afraid to use his-
Kid Blink:FISTS!(keepin it PG people😂)
Newsies:Summer stinks and Winters waitin Welcome to New Yawk!!Boy ain't nature fascinatin when you's gotta walkkkk?Still,it's a fine life Carryin the banner with me chums! A mighty fine life blowing every nickel as it comes!
Crutchy:I'm no snoozer!Sittin makes me antsy(he sang laying down after tossing his Crutch to me only for me to help him up and give it back) I like livin chancy.
Newsies:Harlem to Delancy
What a fine life carrying the banner through the slums
(Gonna skip the Nun park cuz is kinda boring even though the lady who does the solo is actually very good)
Newsies: if I hate the headline, ill make up a headline,And I'll say anything I hafta cause at two for a penny if I take to many Weasle just makes me eat em afta
(Next to parts are sang together)
Look they're putting up a headline!(What's it say?)
You call that a headline?(That won't pay!)
I get better stories from the Cooper on tha beat!(So where's your spot?)
I was gonna start at twenty (God,it's hot)
But a dozen will be plenty!Tell me how'm I gonna make ends meet ?(Will ya tell me how I'm gonna make ends meet?)
Newsies:We need a good assassination!We need a earthquake or a war!
Snipeshooter:How bout a Crocked politician(he sang looking prod with his idea)
Newsies:Hey stupid !That ain't news no more!(they sang as they threw their hats at him)
Up town to Grand Central station down to City Hall we improves our circulation walkin till we fall!
(Next parts are sang together again)
Still we'll be out there(Look they're puttin up a headline!They call that a headline?)
We'll be out there soakin every sucker that we can!(The idiot who wrote it must be workin for the Sun.Did ya hear about the fire?Heard it killed old man Maguire!Heard the toll was even higher)
See the headline:Newsies on a mission!
(Why do I miss all the fun?Hitched it on a trolly Meetcha Forty-forth and second.)
Kill the competition sell the next addition (Little Italy's a secret Bleekers further than I reckoned) While we're out there (By the courthouse) Carryin the banner is the- (Near the stables on the corner someone beckoned and I-
(It repeats with some different words but that's to much work if ur readin this u should know the song by now 😂)
(Back to the POV)
The Delancy brothers walked up as Race took his hat off fanning his face he said "Oh my what is that unpleasant aroma I fear the sewers may have backed up over night!) we all laughed "Nah its to rotten to be the sewers!"Boots retorted as we continued to laugh "Must be the Dealency brothers"(sorry if I spell it wrong I forgot how it's spelt) I said
"In the back you lousy shrimp" Oscar said as he shoved Snipshooter to the ground Jack and I looked at eachother and walked over "You shouldn't be callin people lousy shrimp unless your referring to the family resemblance in ur brother here"Jack said "Yea that was an insult and so is this" I said as Jack and I grabbed their hats running off  as the Newsies started cheering we ran into a food cart and swanf down of the shaded part of a building kicking them off the wagon and continued getting to run as we ran into a kid and what seemed to be his little brother "What are you doing?" the kid asked "Running" Jack and I said in Unison as the brothers continued to chase us we threw their hats down once we reached the gates swinging them open as we jumped on either side while the Newsies cheered

Alright I think that was a lot I'll start on the next chapter in a bit

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