Chapter one tatiana

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Laying on my bed wondering when will I be free my parents are of Syrian and Russian descent even though they both were raised here they took the strict part of both cultures and its all on me being the only child I am 18 and maybe a bit mature for my age but I want to work at summers and live alone but they wouldn't allow it , I stood up walked to the window and started to wonder how will I tell them that I got accepted in Yale they don't even know that I applied for double major I love history and languages that way I am fluent in Arabic,Russian, Italian, Spanish ,Greek and Ancient Greek . I decided that I will tell them today it's the first day of summer but I don't have long I sighed and went downstairs I looked at my parents my mum seemed happy I smiled and said " mama papa I have to tell you something" I saw my dads eyes smile and I swear almost saw my mother jumping I went to get a chair when my mum hugged me me said "we know you got into Yale university honey we are proud of you,but you are grounded for a week for not telling us" I smiled and said "you guys agree that I go to new heaven Connecticut and stay their alone" they both laughed and. Said that silly girl in Arabic but they don't know that I understand Arabic my dad looked at me and said "you young lady will live with your cousin Lucas and his room mate jack that's our only condition or you will not go" I smiled and said "yea" Lucas was fun to hang around we both speak Spanish and jake his roommate is half Italian so we speak Italian I was about to go to my room when my dad cleared his throat and said "sit we still have to go around the rules" I almost cried of frustration I sat down and listened to my dad lecture me bout being a respectable and responsible lady for the next hour after he was done I went to my room , jumped on the bed I held my book and started reading it was my hobby .

I lost track of time but when my best friend Amy called I looked at the time I wasn't aware that it's been around five hours I answered and said "heyyy chikaaa" she laughed and Sid "I take it your parents didn't mind huh" I laughed and said "nope but I m grounded for a week" I heard her gasp I laughed and she said "omg how will you survive" I laughed unlike me any hates reading and love going out she dates a lot and she is popular we are different yet best friends then I said "don't worry I can survive" she laughed and we started talking. About Jeremy her boyfriend before I knew it it was dinner time and she is to get ready for the party , during the dinner the only thing my dad was talking about how should I act I excused my self even when I didn't finish I went straight upstairs and started reading till I fell asleep my summer went as usual me hanging out with Amy and Jeremy , reading or at the gym my mum hates that about me I love going to the gym , reading , writing and sitting at home I hate shopping or even going out she always tells me that she gave birth to a girl not a boy I always laughed at it , three weeks are left before university I am so excited and I have to start packing up my parents got me some bags and I started packing and two days before Lucas would come Amy and my mother dragged me Togo shopping we returned home after six hours I almost screamed by the end of the day we bought a lot of cloth that we had to buy two new bags to fill after Amy and finished packing then she stood up looking at my six bags and she said I wouldn't have to guess that you had this much cloths from that stupid hoody and pants you keep on wearing I laughed and said "actually one of them has my books and other has my gym stuff so basically only two bags ohhh and one of them is filled with the ready off my hoodies so basically other than what all you guys bought I had only one bag of cloth" she started at me with an anger in her eyes then she said "you are hopeless" then she sat on my bed and said "i can't believe that my best friend is a gym-reading lover Tom boy" I laughed and said "so what" she looked at me with a sad smile saying " you know you are not fat any more right" I nodded then she said "then why do you keep going to the gym then" I smiled and said "people don't only go to the gym to loose weight plus I feel comfortable their its like you with your parade thingie" she laughed then she said "I can't believe you are off to uni " I laughed and said " yeah me too and I can't believe you are gonna take a gape year" she nodded and said "I didn't know what uni or major I wanted to go to all the ones I looked at felt wrong so I am waiting" I smiled I knew Amy since we were at kindergarten I also knew that even though she love fashion she wants to find her purpose so I just shut up about it then we started talking about how fun is it gonna be to meet cute guys Amy was gonna sleep over and say good buy the next day when Lucas came he looked different and so did jack o ran to him and hugged Lucas

a tied hug he is the only. Cousin I feel close to I dunno way but he is after we all ate break fast Lucas and jack took our bags but the looks they gave each other were weird it's not the same as guys give to their friends I ignored it because they were happy I hugged my mum and their were tears in her eyes and she said "take care hone" then my dad said " remember what I said " my mum hit him in the shoulder playfully and said "Christof she is leaving and that's what you are going to say" I shook my head and laughed even though they have known and loved each other for over two decades they still love and treat each other like they are teenagers looking at them i couldn't help but think that is what i want like Amy wants to find her purpose I wanted to find love I went and hugged Amy when she whispered "is Lucas and jack together " I must have looked confused because she continued "as in are they gay" I frowned and said "I dunno" I never asked,I don't really care either he is who he is so I don't care about who he likes I kissed all of them good buy and went , half way through Connecticut we stopped for some tea honestly I needed it from the tension after we sat and ordered Lucas looked nervous I sat drinking my milk shake till I said "okii out with it what's up" he raised an eyebrow and I said "what do you wanna say" he smiled nervously and Said"well we have two things to tell you " I nodded and he said " well once we are going to pick up our friends he was in the military and he will live with us so you have three roommates" I looked at them in confusion I thought they said they had only three room and I get to get the room with the bath room the I opened my mouth but then he said " the other news is I found out about a year ago that I was gay when I fell in love with jack" I laughed and they frowned I kept on laughing remembering what Amy said the jack said "its not a joke are you okii" I nodded and said "I was remembering what Amy said " they both looked at each other puzzled and i said "she asked if you were gay and together I swear she has a sixth sense about this things" they smiled and I said "its fine really I am fine with it" they both sighed in relief we went to the car and drove I was daydreaming when the car stopped I looked confused and asked them where are we jack laughed and said "welcome back to earth we have been calling you for the past hour we reached to pick him up" I saw Lucas getting out of the car and hugging this hot guy he was bulky with blond hair light blue eyes and a handsome face, he entered the car and sat beside me he smiled at me and that was all it took for me to melt ..........

Authors note

This is not the first story I wrote just the first one I had the courage to publish it .............. So have fun reading and I will update the next chapter as soon as I can thankssss for reading it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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