XVII • The Balcony

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It had been a couple of days and Millie still hadn't heard from Finn; not that she cared, or so she thought. Currently, she laid curled up on her bed, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns on her tv. Her eyes continued to flicker from the tv to the dresser she had Finn's clothes hidden in. She sighed and got up, slipping on Finn's hoodie and curling up in her bed again.

Millie found this strange. She hadn't gotten a call or text from Finn in days and deep down, she was a little disappointed to not hear from him. She didn't notice herself glance at her phone ever so often, almost waiting for a text or call from him. She missed him, thought she wouldn't admit it.

She sighed and turned off her tv, laying back on her bed and letting her mind wander. Millie twisted the drawstrings of the hoodie as she thought, sitting up slightly at the sound of a voice. She looked at her window for a moment before shaking her head and falling back into thought. Millie stared up at the ceiling for a moment, slowly recognizing that the voice was singing Stereo Hearts, the song she had sung to-

She slowly got up and crept down the hallway, following the sound of the singing. Millie slowly pushed open the door to the balcony. "Finn?"

Finn turned and instantly grinned. "Hey princess."

Millie closed the balcony door and walked forward, wrapping her arms around Finn's neck and hugging him. Finn looked down at the girl and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're an idiot Finn."

"Why baby?" he asked in a teasing voice. "Was a certain, pretty girl expecting a phone call from me?"

"Of course not." Millie rolled her eyes, looking up at him and pulling away from the hug, slightly surprised that she had done that. "Also," she crossed her arms, "what are you doing on my balcony at 11:00pm?"

Finn shrugged and shifted his weight against the railing. "I don't know honestly. I've had work for the last few days and I guess a part of me wanted to come here," he turned his head to look at her, "and see you."

"Why would you want to come see me?" Millie asked, standing next to him.

"I like talking to you," Finn said simply, running a hand through his hair. "You're like my break from reality."

She couldn't help but smile softly. "Well I don't mind being that to you."

He grinned. "I don't exactly think you have a choice baby." He reached over and gently tucked a strand of Millie's dark hair behind her ear, gently touching her skin. A slight shiver ran down her spine at his cool fingertips, letting her eyes lock with his before she turned her attention to the view over the railing.

Finn smirked and looked over at Millie. He climbed up onto the rail and sat down, gesturing for Millie to join him.

"Finn I'm going to fall if I do," she said, looking up at him.

"Who says I'd let you fall?"

Millie sighed and climbed up on the railing, taking a seat next to him. He looped an arm around her waist to keep her secure. They sat in silence for a moment until Millie spoke.

Millie glanced over at Finn. "Why?"

"Why, what princess?"

"Why do you keep wanting to hang out with me or be around me?"

Finn shrugged a shoulder. "You get it; you understand me. That's why."

She paused for a moment. "Maybe I don't understand." She sighed, "I mean, your life is so public and big compared to mine. Everything you do or say is known by everyone."

He smiled. "Not everything." She raised an eyebrow and he added, "I'm here with you alone, aren't I? There's no one else who knows where we are right now. With you, I feel like I can just be myself; not Finn Wolfhard, not famous," she giggled softly, making him smile more; he loved the sound of her voice, "I can be... well, just me."

"And how do you like it?" Millie asked, looking at him.

He grinned. "I like it a lot, actually, beautiful."

"Did you just call me beautiful?" she asked, locking eyes with him.

"I'm just speaking the truth sweetheart." He shrugged a shoulder. "You look cute in my clothes by the way."

Millie glanced down at her outfit, a slight blush creeping it's way along her cheeks. "Oh shut up, you said I could keep your hoodie."

"I know I did," he looked at her with a grin. "Best decision I've made in a while."

Millie giggled softly, looking up at Finn. He grinned back at her, watching as she slowly shifted to rest her head on his shoulder. As she did, Finn found it difficult to take his eyes off of her as he looked at the smile on her lips and the way the light breeze blew her dark hair back.

Millie didn't know why, but she felt really content and calm at his side. He felt like her escape from reality the same she was for him.

Finn sighed, checking the time on his phone. "Sorry princess but I have to go."

Millie said softly. "Do you have to?" Her eyes widened slightly at her choice of words, looking up at Finn as he turned to look at her with a slight smile he was trying to hide.

"Unfortunately yes, but that doesn't mean I want to leave," he sighed, momentarily getting lost in the girl's dark eyes. "I'll see you soon baby, promise."


"Yeah, promise. Something you can never break." He gently took her hand in his, the simple action making both their hearts skip a beat. Millie watched as Finn pressed a soft kiss to her hand. "Goodnight princess." He pulled away and climbed over the railing, making his way to the ground.

Millie slowly climbed back over the railing so she was standing, watching Finn leave. She ran a hand through her dark hair, a smile on her lips. Millie glanced down at her hand where Finn had kissed it, her heart skipping a beat at the recent memory.

She stood there and thought for a moment, realizing how happy she was now that he had come to see her. The skin on her hand from where he kissed her tingled slightly with warmth, making her realize that he had a special place in her heart. Millie realized how quickly her heart was beating, truly realizing she had missed him.


Finn drove off, running a hand through his hair, grinning at what had just happened. Seeing Millie had made him suddenly very happy. His phone began to ring and he answered.

"You went to see her, didn't you?" Noah asked teasingly.

"Yeah I did," Finn sighed, continuing to drive. "If you're going to bug me about it, fuck off.

"I'm your best friend, it's my job to bug you about it Wolfhard. But its also my job to make you realize how oblivious you can be." Finn could tell Noah was smirking. "Why would you go see her? You got to admit it to yourself at least Finn."

Finn went silent for a moment before saying quietly, "She understands everything Noah, you can't blame me. I like talking to her."

"You missed her Wolfhard, fucking admit it to yourself."

Finn slammed on the brakes. "Fine I fucking missed her Noah, I missed seeing her and talking to her. You happy now?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, beginning to drive again. "Damn."

"Exactly. So stop separating yourself from her like you've been doing for the last few days."

"I'm scared of getting attached to her," Finn said. "I have that movie to film soon."

"Yeah a little too late for that Finn. You've been happier lately, and you know that."


So Finn and Millie both missed each other and were being cute. Hope you enjoyed.

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