XXVI • Games for Two

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If anyone is confused, this is the second week of Millie's spring break, and have decided to have the spring break extend for a few days over the usual 2 weeks.


3 days later...

Millie laid across her bed, flipping through the TV channels absentmindedly. Finn hadn't crossed her mind very much the last few days but the thought of him lingered in her head. Her curiosity continued to get the best of her, even pushing her to do a "dreadful" thing: double texting. But she still didn't receive a response and her frustration had begun to get the best of her. Millie hated it.

She eventually flipped to a talk-show channel, instantly groaning and rolling her eyes in annoyance as she read the headline. Finn Wolfhard on "The Turning" Movie. As she went to change the channel, Finn walked onto the set and her eyes instantly locked with his through the screen. Millie hesitantly set the remote down, leaning back against the headboard and beginning to watch the interview with her arms crossed.

"So why don't you tell us a bit about your new movie?" the woman asked, glancing down at her cards.

"Well," Finn shifted in his seat, "it's of course based off of "The Turn of The Screw", and I play Miles, with Brooklyn Prince playing Flora. There's this new nanny for mine and Brooklyn's characters. She starts to learn that the kids are kind of distant and weird. A bunch of strange events start happening that effect the kids and the nanny and the story goes from there."

Millie muttered, "Fucker has enough time to do an interview and can't send a text back?" She rolled her eyes, continuing to watch the interview.

"What's it like being famous at such a young age?" the woman asked.

Finn shrugged. "I'm getting used to it. I'll admit, it can get annoying sometimes but," he looked down, a light smile crossing his face, "I have people who keep me steady and down to earth. That helps a lot."

"What's that smile for Finn?" the woman teased, the audience laughing faintly in the background. "Thinking of someone special?" The audience let out a collective 'ooohh'.

Finn laughed, running his hand through his usual messy curls. "Just a normal smile." He shrugged, smoothly changing the conversation back to the movie.

"Hmm, okay. Why don't you tell us a bit about Calpurnia."

"We're performing locally, which is always fun. Music has always been a big part of my life and I think it always will be." Finn grinned, looking at the audience. "I think I'm pretty good at the music thing too, right guys?" The audience clapped and cheered. "Thanks everyone," he laughed.

Millie couldn't stop the light smile from crossing her face. "Such an idiot," she said to herself. The thought of turning off the TV lingered in the back of her mind, but she continued to watch, mumbling to herself about Finn.

After a while, Millie turned off the TV, cutting off the question the interviewer was about to ask. Her eyes fell to her cellphone, checking her Instagram messages, of course having no replies. She sighed, dropping the device onto her bed again and threading her hands through her hair. Millie held a strong dislike towards emotions, but she managed to tolerate them. And the feelings she had begun to develop for Finn were giving her a major headache.

§ § §

"I have one more question for you," the woman asked. "May I?"

Finn shrugged. "Go for it." He glanced out at the audience, the bright stage lights blinding him some.

This was the main thing Finn hated about these interviews. If the blinding lights that left spots in your vision weren't enough, the interviewers were even worse. He hated the lighting rounds of annoying and prying questions that made him want to sigh or roll his eyes from pure annoyance and frustration.

"What do you look for in a girl?"

Finn could feel his heartbeat quicken at the question. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. "Pardon me?" Curse Canadian mannerism! he thought.

"What qualities do you look for in a girl?" he woman asked again, the audience laughing lightly.

"Well," he glanced around, averting his gaze just passed the woman to avoid meeting her eyes, "I like a girl who's honest and doesn't sugarcoat or that kind of thing. Also a girl who isn't boring and is fiery and can fight back. A girl who's sweet and kind and has a gorgeous smile. Someone who keeps me level-headed and is intelligent." Finn held a grin on his face as he spoke, but quickly stopped and straightened, the grin fading. "Yeah, a girl like that."

The audience let out another 'ooohh' at Finn's words. He could feel his face turning hot and begin to burn as he met the woman's face again. "I approve," she said jokingly. Finn sighed and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He really never understood people sometimes.

The woman finished off the interview and Finn hurriedly left the set, heading into his dressing room for privacy. He shut the door, forcefully flipping the lock closed. Taking a seat on the couch pushed against one wall, he threaded his hand through his curls, a thought settling into his mind.

He had described Millie during the interview.

A strong feeling of guilt settled into him, an almost nauseating feeling running into his stomach. He reached for his cellphone, opening Instagram and swiping to Millie's username. He hesitated a moment before pressing the screen, their chat appearing before him. He slowly began to type his message, making sure to use proper English and hesitating before pressing send. He sighed and set his phone down, unable to shake the wave of guilt he felt.

§ § §


Millie looked down at her phone, her heart jumping as she saw the notification. She blinked, slowly picking up her phone and reading the notification.


Instagram: New message from finnwolfhardoffical: Hey baby, long time no talk. I'm really sorry I haven't replied, I've been really busy lately.


Millie wanted more than anything to immediately reply, but the idea of Finn playing games with her settled into her mind again, causing her frustration and annoyance to return. She stared at the phone in her hands a moment, hesitantly swiping away the notification. If Finn wanted to play games, she could play too. As much as she hated this, and she knew this wasn't her, she didn't take people's shit and rudeness, especially not Finn Wolfhard's.

"Games like these require two players Finnie, and you've just met your match," Millie mumbled, glancing at her phone one last time before proceeding to watch her TV shows and attempt to push Finn out of her mind, and of course failing.


Hmm, so even Millie is playing the game now?

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