XXXVIII • The Calm Before The Storm

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"What are you doing?"

"Picking out a dress for tonight," Millie replied, searching through her closet. Her speakers blared music into the room as Millie proceeded to push aside her clothes in search for a perfect outfit. "We're going out tonight."

"You and Finn?" Lilia asked, closing the bedroom door behind her and taking a seat on Millie's bed. She reached over to turn down the speaker volume before turning back to Millie.

"Yeah, he's picking me up around 7:00." Millie laid a few outfit options on the bed, placing her hands on the hips and letting a loud sigh escape her lips. "Help me pick out an outfit before I go insane?"

Lilia looked through the options Millie had picked out, before settling on a familiar navy blue dress. "This dress and a pair of sneakers," she said. Lilia looked up at Millie. "Hey Mills?"


"Isn't Finn leaving to film that movie soon?" Lilia asked as she bent down to look for a pair of matching shoes. "Have you thought about that at all?"

Millie shrugged, placing the dress across her lap. "I mean, he hasn't said anything about it and I'm sure it'll be fine." She knew she wouldn't be happy the day he told her he would have to leave, but to her, she figured that day wouldn't be soon and she would have plenty of time to figure out her thoughts before he got on that plane.

"I hope so," Lilia replied. "Now, is he taking you on a date?"

"No, no." Millie laid the dress on the bed with a pair of sneakers at the foot of the bed. Keeping her gaze away from Lilia, she said, "We're just hanging out. We both decided it wasn't a date."

Lilia nodded, a small, knowing smile forming on her lips. "So you're not considering it a date anyways?"

Millie knew better. They had both agreed that tonight wasn't a date, but she couldn't help but think differently. Truly, she was excited to see him tonight and to spend time alone with him. But the grin on his face and the waves of butterflies that had filled her stomach when he asked her to go out with him almost made her think differently of what the true intention was by going out tonight. But regardless, Millie didn't mind. But that didn't mean she would admit it.

A light blush had crawled its way over her cheekbones.Without answering the question, she changed the subject. "So, what are you doing tonight?"

"Hey I know what you're trying to do." Lilia laughed softly, playfully pushing Millie's arm. "Answer my question."

Giggling, Millie laid on the bed. "Well what if I don't want to answer your question?"

"By not answering, I'll just know the actual answer."


Both girls broke into a fit of giggles. Millie took a seat at the vanity with a curling iron, watching the numbers on the iron slowly increase. She let herself slip into her thoughts. Her excitement for tonight was becoming to difficult to contain, but what Lilia had said about Finn's movie lingered in her mind. He surely wasn't leaving soon; he wouldn't do that to her. He wouldn't tell her at the last possible minute and would give her promises to fulfill once he came home. She knew she would receive some sort of closure when he eventually did leave to film, and she would be content with it.

But little did she know.

Blinking out of her thoughts at the chime from her curling iron, she picked it up and wrapped a strand of her hair around the iron. Everything would be alright, she figured. Until now, everything seemed to work out well in Millie's life and she trusted that it would all work out in the end. It always had. Though Lilia's words lingered in her head, she knew that she had nothing to worry about. All she needed to focus on was going out with Finn tonight; the sole thought sent a wave of butterflies through her stomach.

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