XXXIV • Millie

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One week later...

Millie shifted her notebook under her arm as she exited the school with Lilia by her side. Spring break had ended last week and Millie was unfortunately back at school. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she walked to the parking lot and unlocked her mother's car. Sliding into the seat, she threw her school bag into the backseat out of pure annoyance.

"I'm so glad we're done with hell for the day," Lilia muttered, throwing her school bag into the backseat. "And I'm glad we got your mom's car; it's way too hot to walk."

"I know," Millie replied as she inserted the key into the ignition.

As she started the ignition, her phone began to ring. She rolled her eyes in annoyance as her eyes fell to the screen. Finn's name flashed across her screen for the third time that day and Millie's patience was beginning to run low.

"He's seriously calling again?" Lilia asked, letting a sigh escape her lips.

Finn had made multiple attempts to contact Millie, only to find that his text messages wouldn't send and his phone calls would lead him to Millie's voicemail if he was lucky. Otherwise the call with get abruptly cut mid-ring. The article had sparked controversy, especially since Finn hadn't spoken on the article.

"Yep." She sighed in annoyance and answered the call. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Baby?" Finn asked. "Oh my god finally."

Millie leaned back in her seat. "Don't call me again Wolfhard." She closed her eyes. "Please." She gently pressed the screen, ending the call.


Millie dropped her phone into her lap and began to drive home, her hands tightly gripping the wheel until her knuckles turned white. As she stopped at a red light, she let her mind wander back to the photos she had seen in the article. Millie distinctly remembered how he had held that girl in his arms as he kissed her and how close she stood. She thought about the small smirk he had on his lips and where his hands had been placed on her body. She clenched her jaw at the thought.

"You alright?" Lilia asked. "You have white knuckles."

Millie nodded. "You aren't jealous," she muttered to herself as she took a turn. "You're just mad that he kissed you yet fucked another girl behind your back." Millie sighed and let the car roll to a stop in the driveway. "What a fuckboy."

Lilia sighed. "Let's just go inside Mills." She touched Millie's hand.

Grabbing her bag and cellphone, Millie slammed the car door shut and made her way inside. "Hello?" she called before making her way up the stairs with Lilia and into her bedroom after grabbing a snack from the kitchen. She heard no reply as she shut her bedroom door shut and flopped onto the bed.

"Hey, at least we're alone," Lilia offered, taking a seat next to Millie. She placed her hand on Millie's back. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he'll let you go at some point."

"He better," she replied. "Or else you're going to help me hide his body."

Lilia laughed softly. "Let's do chemistry homework first, then we can plan a murder after."

"How boring." Millie giggled.

§ § §

Finn parked his car at the end of Millie's driveway, turning off the headlights as he looked up at the house. Tapping his fingers against the steering wheel nervously, he looked up at Millie's bedroom window, noticing the faint light glowing from her window in the darkness. His heart raced in his chest as he slowly got out of the car and began to walk across the front lawn with a black bag slung over his shoulder. He crept along the side of the house and stopped under Millie's window.

The guilt had been eating at Finn for the past week, and hearing her voice for a split second over the phone sent him on a guilt trip. Even if Millie wanted nothing to do with him anymore, he knew he needed to say his piece and explain it all to her so she hopefully wouldn't hate him forever. Millie deserved an explanation from him.

With clammy and shaking hands, he climbed up to Millie's window and slowly peered inside between the white curtains. Millie laid across her bed with her head propped up on her pillows and the blanket laying over her. Her dark hair was a bit of a mess and her eyes were glued to the bright television screen which illuminated the bedroom and made her dark eyes brighter. Finn looked at her for a moment, a light smile on his lips before he gently knocked on the window. He shifted the black bag over his shoulder before knocking on the glass again.

Millie shifted her gaze to the window, her eyes widening slightly. She got out of bed and went to the window. "How many times do I have to tell you to fuck off?" she asked through the window, a look of pure annoyance on her face. She crossed her arms and watched him closely.

Finn went silent for a moment, his eyes locking with hers. "You deserve an explanation," he replied. "Please let me in baby. I said it once and I'll say it again: I don't want to fall to my death tonight." He sighed and lowered his voice just enough that Millie could hear him. "You told me not to call you again, remember? So I'm here."

Millie shook her head. "Fuck off and don't come back." She began to turn away, biting her lower lip.

"I'm sorry!"

Millie froze and turned back to look at him. "What?"

"Those were old photos baby, from when I had just met you. It was before you and I... y'know." The kiss. Millie immediately knew what he was talking about, but not wanting to say. "Just let me explain."

Millie sighed and slowly opened her bedroom window, letting him climb into her bedroom. She stood silently as he shut the window and set his bag down. Meanwhile, Millie locked her bedroom door. She didn't need her father or brother walking into her room at this very bad moment.

Finn turned to her. "Please let me explain baby. I wouldn't hurt you."

Millie shook her head. "I fucking hate you," she muttered. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you Finn Wolfhard."

"Baby," Finn sighed. "I know okay. I fucked up."

"I was right about you. You only care about your fame and your money and all the girls who beg you for a one night stand. You run around like a fuckboy and you don't give a shit about anyone or anything unless it concerns you!" Millie shook her head and hit his chest. "You kissed me then a week later, I see photos of you making out with a girl and you claim they're old photos? God Finn, why? Why are you here and why do you keep coming back?"

Finn stood quietly and listened to her speak. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"I'm not one of your hookups. I'm not an obsessed fan. I let you stay at my house overnight to save you from the paparazzi and now you don't leave. You keep coming back and creating more problems in my life. Did you even feel anything when you kissed me? Did it matter to you or was it just like every other girl you kiss or hook up with? Do you even care?" She hit his chest with both hands. "Come on, tell me. What am I to you Finn? A hookup? A toy?"

"Millie," he said softly, speaking her first name for the first time since he had met her. Her name fell from his lips gently and quietly as he watched her speak.

But Millie was so lost in her words and anger, she didn't even realize what he had said. "I despise you Finn. You... you in my life is like drinking fucking chlorine!"

Finn stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands. "Millie." He brushed his thumb over her cheekbone, her breath hitching at his touch. The words stopped, her heart racing, her mind blank. The anger had slowly begun to diffuse from her. His face was only a few inches from hers. "Millie, breathe."

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