XVIII • Girl Talk

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Millie woke up the next morning, Finn's hoodie still wrapped over her body like a second blanket. She rubbed her eyes and ran a hand through her dark hair, thinking about her conversation with Finn on the balcony late last night. She reached for her phone, hesitating before dialling Lilia's number.

"Millie?" Lilia asked sleepily. "Why the fuck are you calling me at 9:30am?"

"Finn came to see me last night," Millie blurted out, covering her mouth.

"What did he say?" Lilia asked, sounding much more awake now. "Did he confess his undying love for you?"

"Of course not; why would he?" Millie sighed, her focus flipping back and forth between her conversation with Lilia and the events of last night. "Just... come over later? I need a girl talk session."

"Of course babe, I'll be there in an hour," she replied, hanging up the call.

Millie sighed and let her eyes fall closed, her mind conflicted and lost in thought. Feelings. Emotions. Thoughts. Those were the few things that worried her. But her mind kept returning to a lingering memory from last night.

"I'll see you soon baby, promise."


"Yeah, promise. Something you can never break."He gently took her hand in his, the simple action making her heart skip a beat. Millie watched as Finn pressed a soft kiss to her hand. "Goodnight princess."

Millie looked at her hand, remembering the shivers that ran through her spine and the warmth she felt as he placed a kiss on her skin. She remembered the way their eyes always seemed to lock during conversations and how softly he spoke with her. Millie remembered how happy she felt as she laid in her bed last night after he had left, realizing she had been missing Finn.

What was wrong with her? She had only known this guy for a month, yet he understood her more than anyone she had known. He made her laugh and smile. She enjoyed her time with him and the conversations they shared. He made her happy. She had even started to accept his pet names and nicknames for her, realizing Finn had never once called her by her actual name.

And she didn't really mind that.

She was shaken out of her thoughts as she heard the doorbell ring. She crawled out of bed, stripping off Finn's hoodie and placing it back in her drawer. She opened the front door to see Lilia... and Sadie. Millie internally groaned, knowing she couldn't tell Sadie the truth about the fact she was hanging out with Sadie's celebrity crush.

"Hey Mills," Lilia greeted, mouthing an apology to the girl.

"Hi," Millie replied simply, closing the door behind her friends. "I need food."

"I'm on it." Sadie smiled, making her way into the kitchen and leaving the other to girls in the entry.

"Sorry, Sadie really wanted to come and I couldn't tell her no. It would've looked suspicious," she said, an apologetic look on her face.

"Its okay Lils." Millie smiled softly. "I'll just talk in code, easy. I just need a little advice."

"About Finn?"

"Yeah. I'll explain later." Millie ran a hand through her dark hair. "Now lets go find Sadie before she burns down my kitchen."

Lilia laughed and followed after Sadie into the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker. Meanwhile, Sadie stood at the stove, dipping slices of bread into a raw egg and cinnamon mixture to make french toast. After the food had been made, the girls made themselves comfortable at the table.

"Okay so Mills, whats up?" Lilia asked, taking a sip from her coffee and looking up through her eyelashes at her friend.

"I need boy advice," Millie said quietly, taking a bite of her food.

Sadie choked on her coffee, asking once she had recovered, "Our Mills, the one who dumped Jacob Sartorius and poured a milkshake on his head, is asking us for boy advice?"

"Please don't bring up Jacob," Millie groaned. "I dumped his ass for a reason." Jacob Sartorius; Millie's ex boyfriend who she had dumped on the last day of tenth grade by pouring a milkshake from Dairy Queen on his head in front of the whole school after he cheated on her; the whole incident had even ended up in the school's newspaper.

"Okay tell us Mills." Lilia grinned, nearly bouncing up and down in her seat.

"There's this guy I know... and I hadn't talked to him in a while. But then I just saw him recently and it made me happy. He kissed my hand before he left and yeah..." Millie managed to hold back the smile on her face as she took a long sip from her coffee mug.

Sadie squealed. "So you really missed this guy then, huh?" She locked eyes with Lilia happily; the blonde holding the same excited features as Sadie.

"I guess," Millie sighed, sipping her coffee as she thought. "I like talking to him a lot, and he makes me laugh. But I haven't really known him that long, a month, really."

"Mills, no one said you have to know someone forever to have feelings for them," Lilia said simply, a smile on her lips as she took bite of her food

Millie scoffed, "Who said I had feelings for him? I never said that."

"You're kind of implying that you do." Sadie smiled knowingly, glancing at Lilia.

"I don't," Millie sighed, "he's just a friend of mine who I like enjoying talking to and spending time with. I like how fluently we can talk, if that makes sense. Theres no way I have feelings for him, you psychos."

"Love makes you crazy sweetheart." Sadie shrugged, pouring more syrup on her plate. "And pretty damn stupid."

"I am not in love and I don't have feelings for F- him."

"Why don't we resolve this once and for all," Lilia stated, grabbing Millie's laptop and typing something in. She turned the laptop towards Millie, a quiz open on the screen. "Answer the questions and what the quiz says is how you feel about this guy."

"So we're letting some stupid internet quiz decide my feelings?" Millie asked, looking at her friends.

"Make another excuse and we'll just assume what we want to assume Mills," Sadie said in a playful voice, a coy smile flickering over her lips.

"Okay okay." Millie sighed, beginning to answer the questions on the screen. "These are so fucking stupid. 'If you accidentally liked the person's picture from a year ago, how would you react?' Seriously?"

Lilia shrugged. "Keep answering Mills."

She sighed and answered the quiz all the way, pressing the final answer. "I'm done. Now what?"

"Press 'Check My Results', you dumbass," Sadie chided, locking eyes with Lilia.

"Here goes nothing." Millie pressed the button, watching as the loading bar began to fill. Her heart pounded in her chest with a strange nervousness as she watched the bar on the screen appear.

'Now checking your results. This will only take a moment.' The screen read.


Oooh a cliffhanger! That's a first. Anyways, hope you enjoyed 😊

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