XXVIII • Apologies & Shakespeare

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"Come on Finn, you can do this," Finn muttered, looking up at Millie's balcony. He took a deep breath, placing a hand to the side of the house. "Oh no you can't dumbass!"

Finn groaned, shutting his eyes. He looked up at the balcony, a million thoughts running through his head. She hates you Finn, he thought. Why would she want you?  Finn knew he fucked up, badly. His best idea was an apology, and the balcony would be the best meeting spot without peering through her window like a pervert.

He leaned against the side of the house, running a hand through his dark curls with frustration. It was two simple words that he couldn't find the courage to say. But Millie deserved more than two words. She deserved a better apology, than two fucking words. She deserved the world.

Finn jumped at the sound of a door opening above him. He pressed his back against the side of the house, glancing up at the balcony. A light gasp escaped his lips as his eyes fell to the girl standing on the balcony above him.

Millie placed her arms against the railing, looking up at the stars faintly visible in the night sky. She wore black leggings and a familiar black hoodie that Finn recognized in an instant. A grin broke out onto his face at the sight of her. He kept his back pressed to the side of the house, watching her with a grin and bright eyes.

Millie sighed, looking up at the sky. "I hate you Finn," she said softly.

"Well that's great," Finn muttered, keeping his gaze locked on her.

"You hit me in the head with a door." She counted on her fingers. "Then acted like a complete fuckboy. Then acted somewhat nice then became an asshole again!" She let her eyes fall closed a moment before adding, "You even almost kissed me..."

Finn sighed at her words, rubbing his temples. The thoughts of the kiss still lingered in his mind, his cheeks flushing pink in the darkness. 

"Why Finn?" she asked. "Why must you do this bullshit?"

Finn sighed and stepped into view. "I didn't mean it," he said, looking up at her.

Millie jumped, her gaze falling to him. The light breeze blew her hair back, unable to find any words to say. "Why are you here?" she asked after a moment of hesitation. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not very long." Finn looked up at her, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. "I'm sorry..."


Finn placed his hand to a pillar on the house, beginning to climb up it.  Millie watched as he climbed up to her as if she was Juliet watching her Romeo. He balanced himself on the edge of the platform, his weight falling forward and his hands gripping the railing. He glanced up, his heart skipping a beat at how close his face was to Millie's. He could feel her warm breath touch his face, their fingertips nearly touching on the railing.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his eyes locking with hers.

"You better fucking be," she replied, her breath hitching at their closeness. "You're such an asshole, Wolfhard."

"Let's not go to last name basis baby; I know I deserve it, but please, no." He looked at her with pleading eyes, his eyes shutting as Millie's hand came in contact with his cheek. "Okay, I deserve that."

Millie crossed her arms, an apologetic look in her eyes. "Sorry for slapping you."

He grinned. "I deserved it princess." He shrugged, his eyes locking with hers a moment. "It's my fault. This sounds stupid but my friends had this idea and I went along with it and I really shouldn't have and I am sorry and-"

Millie leaned over the railing, standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek and shutting him up immediately. His cheeks flushed pink as her soft lips touched his cheek. He slowly placed his hand over hers on the railing. She let her lips linger against his skin before pulling away, a light blush covering her cheekbones. He looked at her with curious gaze in his eyes, his eyes glancing at her lips. 

"You, uh, look really cute," he mumbled, breaking the silence.

Millie glanced at her outfit, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. "Th-thanks." She had completely forgotten about her outfit. She had planned to get some fresh air then slip into bed for the rest of the night.

He grinned, gently dragging his fingertips along her cheekbone. "Are you blushing baby?" He let his fingertip curve along her cheekbone, slipping behind her ear to tuck a loose strand of her dark hair back from her face.

"No." She shook her head, her breath hitching at his touch. "Of course not," she said confidently. "Now what made you decide to show up at my balcony like Romeo?"

"Well Juliet, I owed you an apology and wanted to offer something to make this all up to you," he said, a grin on his face. The metal railing still separated them, but their fingertips touched lightly on the cold metal.

"An offer?"

He nodded. "Let me take you to see the stars. I can show you a place where you can really see the sky and those stars up there." He gestured to the sky, gripping the railing tightly and letting his weight fall back a little.

Millie quickly grabbed his hand in attempt to help his balance. "Careful, you idiot," she sighed, letting go of his hand. "So that's your offer?"

"Possibly." He pouted. "Please princess? Let me show you the stars one night." 

She hesitated a moment, her eyes locking with his as she nodded slightly. "Okay Finnie." She reached up, pushing one of his curls away from his face.  He smiled at her touch, his heart speeding up at her warm fingertip ever so lightly touching his skin. 

"So how about Friday?" he asked. She nodded in reply. "And trust me angel, you'll have a different fate than the real Juliet by being with me," he said, taking her hand in his and gently kissing her knuckles. "Goodnight, love." He let his lips linger a moment on her hand.

She bit her lip lightly, a light smile on her lips. "Goodnight." Her eyes fell to her hand, her skin tingling from the kiss. Her cheeks flushed bright red at his angel-like touch.

She watched as he jumped to the ground, a light smile forming on her lips as he waved up at her. He slipped out the back gate, leaving Millie alone in the darkness of the night with nothing but her thoughts. How and why had I forgiven him so easily? she asked herself. She sighed and let her eyes fall closed, a light smile forming on her lips. Her heart raced in her chest, her hand tingling where Finn's lips had gently touched her skin in farewell.


Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed the chapter because it was fucking adorable. I know, I know, I have a bit of a Romeo and Juliet obsession and you would know that by reading a few of my other books lol. Hope you liked.

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