XXV • Contemplation

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Seven hours.

That's how long Millie waited for a reply from Finn. She tried not to get annoyed, but after constantly checking her phone for the last seven hours, she couldn't help but be. "Seven hours," she complained over the phone on a three-way call with Lilia and Sadie. "Seven fucking hours. Is he ignoring me?" She laid back on her bed, partially angered with Finn, and mostly angered with herself for having feelings.

"He's an actor Mills," Lilia replied. "Maybe he has work or something. I mean, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to ignore someone like that; he seems so sweet, especially to you."

"Or he could be ignoring you and playing 'hard to get," Sadie chimed in.

"Why would he be playing games?" Millie asked, running her fingers through her hair and letting her eyes fall closed. "He has no reason to."

"Well..." Sadie trailed off.

"Well what Sades?" Millie asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

After a moment of silence, Lilia spoke, "Maybe he likes you Millie, and that's why he's playing games with you."

Millie laughed, shaking her head. "He doesn't like me you idiots. Maybe he just got busy or is being an asshole like I said he was a while ago."

Lilia sighed, "Whatever you says Mills. But I'll tell you something: I've been texting Noah and he's been playing video games with Finn and their idiot friends all day."

Millie paused, unable to find the right words to say. "So you're saying he has been ignoring me, Lils?" She frowned, staring up at the ceiling. She hated how disappointed she felt not to hear from Finn all day, and it hurt worse to know he was purposefully ignoring her now.

"Look Mills, I don't know the fully story," Lilia replied, after a moment, "I could be wrong but-"

"No, she's probably right," Sadie interrupted. "Boys are idiots. If he really is ignoring you and treating you like garbage, there's only one thing to do: dump his ass."

"Sadie," Millie sighed. "I'm not even dating him so I can't exactly dump him." She hesitated before asking, "Any advice?"

"Wait for him to text you Mills," Lilia said after a moment. "Ask him why he didn't reply and go from there."

"Yeah, and remember Mills," Sadie added. "Boys give shit advice."

Millie nodded, rubbing her temples. She glanced at her phone screen, checking for Finn's reply. But no text was there. All Millie could do was wait or move on, and she preferred the first option.

§ § §

"Where the hell is it?" Finn muttered to himself, searching through his closet for his black hoodie. He sighed in annoyance before yelling into the hall, "Has anyone seen my black hoodie?"

"Maybe if you clean up that damn room of yours, you'll find it!" his dad shouted back sarcastically.

Finn sighed, slamming the door shut and flopping onto his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind lost in thought about where his damn hoodie was. He sat up in realization, running a hand through his hair.

Millie still had his hoodie.

Finn laid the unconscious girl on his bed, removing her sneakers gently and setting them at the foot of the bed. He went to his closet, returning with a dark hoodie. He sighed and slowly sat on the bed, slipping the hoodie onto her frame, covering her cold skin.

"Looks like I'm playing hero in real life," he muttered, gently touching the girl's forehead. "You better not die on me sweetheart; that won't look good on my record."

He shifted her to lay down again, her dark hair spreading out across the pillow under her head. Finn reached into his pocket, retrieving the girl's cell phone that he had found in the alley. He hesitated a moment, glancing at the unconscious girl and shrugging. After a few failed attempts, he managed to unlock her phone, taking note of her phone number just as his name was called.

Finn stood up, glancing at the girl and quickly leaving the room with his guitar in hand, leaving only minutes before she had woken up.

He couldn't stop the grin from forming on his lips as he thought about how cute Millie had looked in his hoodie the night on the balcony; he wouldn't have the heart to take the clothing back from her. Guilt settled into his mind as he glanced at his cell phone, remembering the text message she had sent hours ago. Finn sighed and rubbed his eyes, millions of thoughts running through his head. A part of him knew he needed to keep himself away from her, to save himself from catching more feelings than he already had. But deep down, he knew he wanted to drive to her house, climb up to the balcony and sing softly until she heard and went to meet him.

Finn sighed, staring up at his ceiling. The thought of her soft lips pressed against his lingered in his mind, the image so vivid it made him frustrated. He glanced at his cell phone again, picking up the device and fully shutting it off and dropping it onto the bed next to him. He let his temptation to call Millie pass as he flipped on the TV to a talk show.

"Finn Wolfhard and the rest of The Turning cast will begin filming -the exact date unknown- for the upcoming movie being released later in the year. The cast members have unfortunately not given us any inside info, but the movie is sure to be a hit! Finn Wolfhard will be on the show later in the week to hopefully give us some info."

Finn groaned, completely forgetting about the interview he was supposed to give later in the week. He sighed and closed his eyes. The filming date was coming up soon; that would be the day he left California, and Millie. His Millie; the Millie he had caught feelings for and would have to leave. Time was beginning to tick away and for the first time ever, he didn't want to leave. Especially since he had Millie waiting for him in California with her bright smile and fiery personality.

He glanced at his cell phone again, before turning his attention back to the TV. Even though Millie was a phone call away, he couldn't bring himself to call her. Jack's and Jaeden's words and advice lingered in his head, his curiosity stronger than ever. He knew Millie was unique and unlike any girl he had met and that she wouldn't chase after him like his friends had said she would. But he couldn't help but still be curious.


Even though it says Finn's filming date in coming up soon, it won't be for a little while longer. I'm still working on certain aspects of the story so I didn't want to pre-set a date I may want to change later. This was kind of a filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed.

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