Chapter Five - Vinegar And Paint

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I survived my first day of classes, Remus thought as he wandered rather aimlessly through the hallways. Barely, he added rather sheepishly, remembering the painful struggle in Potions. I should go find the library... except Evans might still be there and I don't want to... make her think I'm joining her... Besides, he added as he came to a stop. I have no idea where I am. He hadn't been paying much attention after leaving the hospital wing and now he was... where? He vaguely remembered going up a flight of stairs...?

He pressed on, figuring eventually he'd find his way. He went down a corridor, up a flight of stairs, down a different flight of stairs, and then sensed someone was following him. He kept going, ears and nose almost twitching as he kept track of whoever was behind him. It wasn't human, that much he knew. Then suddenly there was a loud crack and a tiny little man floated in front of Remus, dressed in what seemed to be a jester's outfit.

"Who's this then?" the little man cackled. "Little lost firstie?" He had an arm full of water balloons. "Need directions?"

"Th—that'd be—yes—please," Remus got out.

The little man hung upside down, grinning wider. "Aw, the ickle firstie even said please! Well, if you're going to beg...!" With that he threw one of the water balloons. It smashed into Remus's face and split open, drenching him in something that was not at all water but vinegar. The little man began shrieking with laughter, throwing more balloons as Remus began running. "Tiny firstie! Tiny firstie!" he sang as he chased Remus. "Are you even eleven? Baby! Baby!"

Remus skidded around a corner and somehow managed to come to a complete stop right at the very edge of the top of a flight of stairs... that is, until another vinegar balloon hit the back of his head and he tumbled forward. He crashed down the stairs painfully while the creature hovered at the top, looking a little anxious. Once Remus stirred and sat up the little man, relieved he hadn't just accidentally murdered a student, disappeared with a loud crack.

Remus adjusted himself so he was sitting on the bottom step, making sure he didn't have any serious injuries. There were some smears of blood from scratches already healing, and fading bruises. Worst of all, though, was the powerful smell of vinegar that made him want to throw up. Will I never escape disgusting smells? He checked his school bag which had very good water-proofing spells on it. The outside smelled awful but the inside (and his things) had been spared. Ugh, what a wicked being! He got up and walked until he found a main corridor. From there he made his way to the Gryffindor tower. He tripped up climbing through the hole and, ignoring the snickers, marched up the boys' tower.

The door to the first-years dorm was slightly ajar and he could hear giggling inside. Not thinking anything of it he pushed the door open and was rewarded with something liquidy hitting him. He jerked to a stop, giving a loud gasp as green paint poured down onto his head from a bucket that had been suspended above the door. Potter and Black were on the floor, rolling back and forth as they laughed. Remus blinked through the paint, breathing heavily, the stench of vinegar and paint mixing together. He took a step back, wondering what he had done to deserve this.

"Oh, oh!" Black sat up straight, the smile disappearing. "It's Lupin."

They didn't know, so it wasn't because of that. It was some other reason. Something else that made them want to dump paint on him. He stared down at his dripping and shaking hands. Before he could stop it, a sort of sobby gasp burst out of his mouth.

Potter got onto his knees, grimacing. "Lupin, that--"

He turned and ran down the corridor a bit, pushing into the bathroom, nearly knocking into Spinnet. He ignored Spinnet's exclamations and just ran into a bathroom stall, slamming the door shut and locking it. He sat on the loo and covered his face, trying to stifle the sobs. First that thing and the vinegar and now this. The bathroom door opened and shut as Spinnet left, then opened and shut as Black and Potter came in.

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