Chapter Thirteen - Jeers and Tears

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Remus had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts and studies that he barely noticed the rivalry going on between Gryffindor and Slytherin. He was aware of it, and knew some of what was going on. Black slopping the eggs at the Slytherin in Potions, the Slytherins trying to attack Pettigrew, the words exchanged at Flying lessons... but that just seemed on the fringes of more important things like classes and essays. And Dedenne.

On Monday afternoon, after a particularly bad Defense Against the Dark Arts class (he got a P on his essay. A poor. Try again and turn it in next time) and he felt like he wanted to shout at Dedenne. He knew his essay was perfectly fine! She was being biased, he knew this now, he fully understood finally she was being completely biased against him. There was no ifs, ands, or buts. She's doing this to me because I'm a werewolf.

He walked down the corridors by himself as he had hidden near the classroom until all his classmates had gone. He didn't want anyone seeing how upset he was. Unfortunately this left him wide open for an attack.

"Hey, look!" said a voice that barely penetrated Remus's miserable thoughts. "It's a lion cub!"

Remus's steps faltered and he turned around to see some Slytherins coming towards him. Three of them. Mulciber, Avery, and a particularly brutish boy called Bulstrode. Remus's heart jumped into his throat and he began walking faster towards the staircase. He was practically running when they were running behind him and he was halfway down the stairs when they caught up to him. One of them grabbed him and pushed so he went tumbling down the remainder of the steps. He pulled his wand out, pointing up towards them, but they were fast and on him and Avery kicked his hand hard, sending his wand flying.

Remus tried to scramble backwards while two things battled inside of him. One was fear, seeing the gleam of bullying in their eyes. The other was the wolf who began pacing in his head, clawing at his soul. Fight, rip, kill! He began breathing heavily, head aching as he tried to push the wolf away. He had experienced the wolf trying to take control before outside the full moon however it had never happened so suddenly and so strong. He was worried he wouldn't be able to control himself.

"I don't think he's even eleven," Mulciber said, straddling Remus who had pushed himself up against a wall. "How old are you really? Ten? Nine?"

"What a baby," sneered Bulstrode.

"Wh--wh--what d-d-d-did I ever--ev--ever d-d-do to--t-t-to you?" Remus somehow got out which caused the three Slytherins to laugh, Avery doubling over from laughing so hard.

"Wh-wh-what did you say?" Mulciber mocked.

"Hey, Solonys, didn't you say your cousin taught you a really... fun spell?" Bulstrode asked.

Avery began cackling in such a way that sweat broke out across Remus's body. "Oooh, yes, yes, yes," Avery giggled in a high-pitched manner. "Shall I test it out then? It's a perfect spell for a baby."

Remus lunged to the side to try and escape and then someone kicked him in the ribs hard. He cried out in pain and collapsed, curling into a little ball, clutching the spot. A few tears fell out and the Slytherins noticed and began laughing, chanting 'baby! baby!'. Then Avery nudged Remus over so he rolled onto his back. He pointed his wand and hissed out a spell and Remus had no idea what to expect but nothing happened. Avery frowned and tried it again, and Remus recognized some of the roots of the words, realizing Avery was most likely trying to make Remus pee himself. The spell was not working though (to Remus's great relief) so Avery put his wand away and then grabbed Remus, hauling him to his feet and dragging him off. Remus struggled and tried to get free while the wolf panted and slobbered to be released. Oh, he knew he could overtake Avery easily if he let the wolf take hold. He probably could take Avery on without the wolf guiding him. He had a strength to him beyond what a normal eleven-year-old should have.

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