Chapter Thirty-One - An Invitation

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As November progressed, it brought in colder weather which Remus enjoyed. He didn't like being cold however he liked wearing jumpers and curling up by the fire with a good book. On Tuesday, though, he just cursed the biting wind and fine sleet while they went outside for another lesson on the brooms. He knew it was only for this term, that there were only a few more classes left, however he wished he didn't have to go. James wasn't supposed to but he came with the Gryffindors anyway, insisting he just 'wanted to watch'. That translated into him hoping the older students would take him to the pitch again however none of them really showed up. They knew James wasn't part of the flying lessons anymore, so there was no need. James sat on the cold ground, scowling up at everyone else flying. Remus would have given anything to switch places with him.

"I love flying but even that's a bit much," Lily said afterwards when they were all hurrying back to the castle. "Flying in the snow would be fun. Flying in the sleet is awful."

"I'd've loved to fly in the sleet," James grumbled.

"You would've loved to show off in the sleet," Lily retorted.

James grinned. "I can't help it. I fly and it's just naturally incredible."

Lily rolled her eyes at Remus who smiled. "By the way, congratulations on staying on your broom all class," Lily said which caused James and Sirius to both start laughing. She glared at them. "Stop it!"

"Yeah, Remus, congratulations on not sucking," James said.

Lily now narrowed her gaze. "Don't be so mean, Potter! I mean, I know you can't help it, you speak and it's just naturally vomit." Remus had to cover his mouth to try to stop from giggling.

James's laughter died as he folded his arms angrily. "Oi!"

Sirius shrugged. "She's got a point."

Now James glowered at his best friend. "Double oi there, you're supposed to be my mate!"

"Yeah, James isn't mean or... er, vomity." Peter said.

James put his arm around Peter's shoulders. "Thank you, glad someone around here has my back."

He shot a dirty look at Sirius who smiled, spreading his hands out in a 'who, me?' way. "What? You can be rude. So can I." Now his arm went around James, yanking him close. "It's our thing."

"Don't be proud of being rude!" Lily complained. "That's weird."

"May come as a shocker, Evans, but... we are weird," Sirius said and James flashed a peace sign.

"And you're friends with them?" she asked Remus who just shrugged. She was about to say something else but instead sneezed rather violently.

"Having us sweating in the sleet probably made us all sick," Peter piped up. "I feel sniffly."

By the time dinner rolled around most the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years were obviously quite sick, and there was quite a line at Pomfrey's to get fixed up. Remus didn't want to go since he knew if he got sick he'd be un-sick quickly without any outside help, however Lily prodded him along as she chewed him out for even thinking about not going.

"Oh look, Loopy Lupin's a girl now," laughed Mulciber when he saw Remus standing with Lily, Colgate, Inkwood, and McNab. Remus folded his arms, hunching over, trying to ignore the Slytherin who kept laughing until he broke off into heavy coughing.

After about ten minutes of waiting around and six o'clock getting closer he shifted his weight, turning to Lily. "Really, I'm f--fine."

"Better safe than sorry," she said. "Have you ever had a proper cold?"

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