Chapter Ninety-One - Aftermath

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Remus had gotten exactly zero minutes of sleep between going to bed and alarms going off. He pushed the curtains aside, then stopped with his leg halfway out of bed. He had an on-off stabby headache, his stomach still hurt, and despite crying almost nonstop during his waking hours over the past fifteen hours he still felt like he might start crying any second.

He pulled his leg back into bed.

"So, what happened?" Spinnet asked as he got his stuff to get ready for the day. Remus just looked at him. "Why'd you go missing?"

"None of your business," Sirius said as he got out of bed. "Leave him alone."

Spinnet glared. "I was just asking."

"Are you all right?" Struthers asked.

Remus just shrugged. No. He wasn't. He'd never be okay again. His teacher called him a monstrous beast that deserved to be locked away because otherwise he'd maul his three best friends. Which was pretty much the truth.

"Aren't you going to get ready for class?" Peter inquired.

"No," Remus whispered. "I d--don't need to go to class today."

"Of course not," Spinnet snorted, causing Remus to flinch. "Why not? Put everyone in a panic, go missing, then get out of class. Aren't you just special." He saw Sirius going for his wand. "Go ahead and hex me, Black. You and your friends get away with everything, so go for it."

"Sirius, don't," Remus pleaded.

Sirius flickered his gaze to Remus then lowered his wand. "Bugger off, Spinnet. And don't say anything about Remus."

Spinnet stormed out. Struthers paused by Remus's bed. "I'm glad you're all right, and I'm sorry for Andy--"

"It's f-fine," Remus mumbled, shrinking back. "Thank you."

After he left too, Remus realized his friends weren't getting ready. He pointed this out and James shrugged. "If you're not going to class, we aren't either."

He felt so exasperated. He didn't want to deal with this. He wanted to be alone. "You shouldn't skip class," he murmured. "I have permission, You don't."

"So?" Sirius flopped onto his bed, eyes sparkling. "Since when does no permission stop us?"

"Yeah, isn't it better if we're here for you?" Peter asked. "I wanna be here for you."

"Fine, if--if you're going to stay then I'm going to class." Remus got out of bed, rummaging through the wardrobe for a clean uniform. "I'm not going to be party to you three getting into trouble, there's b-been enough of that," he added when they all began complaining. Then he felt relieved when they reluctantly agreed to go to class because he didn't want to go.

Once they left, Remus grabbed his pillow and sat in a window, hugging his pillow, wishing it was Gwyllgi, staring at the sky. It felt like there was a giant gaping hole in his chest, everything inside of him just seeping out. He was so hollow. Sighing, he pressed his face into his pillow. He knew he should try to go to class but he doubted he'd be able to focus, or do anything. Plus they had Defense today. There was no way he could face her right now. He'd have to eventually, but... if he could put it off just a little bit longer...

Twenty minutes later the door opened. Remus glared, expecting to have to lecture one (or more) of the Marauders, but to his shock Lily came flouncing in. Before he could say anything she marched right over and hugged him. Remus felt a little uncomfortable from her touch, as if Dedenne's words were being spoken when her arms went around him; however he didn't pull away.

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