Chapter Sixty-Three - More Lies

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Peter did not come back to study group on Friday. He told Remus later in the evening that he had felt too intimidated, and felt like everyone was too out of his league. He felt too stupid. Remus said if Peter wanted he'd help him study, which Peter happily agreed. The two of them spent ages on the floor of their dorm, pouring through books, Peter asking questions, Remus doing his best to help. He knew Peter had it in him to do better. He just needed the confidence.

"Dunno why you're doing that, the exams aren't important at all," said James, watching the two of them with faint disgust.

"Studying is never a bad thing," said Remus in return.

Sirius crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it in their direction. It landed in the book in Remus's lap. "Five points!" Sirius laughed. "C'mon you two, let's do something fun. Studying is boring."

"You two aren't even studying anyway!" Peter grumbled, wincing as another paper ball went his way, bouncing off his shoulder.

"I think too much studying will hurt you." Sirius had his eyes locked on Remus, an arrogant grin on his face. "You go to the library every night! That's gotta be bad for you."

Remus pushed some of his hair back. "My grades say otherwise," he said haughtily, causing Sirius to snort.

James and Sirius returned to their conversation, leaving the two on the floor alone, however soon Peter started listening in. James was talking about the upcoming International Quidditch Tournament over the summer, discussing with Sirius which teams would be going. He also mentioned he'd be going to some of the games, definitely the final one. His family always got top box seats for any game they wanted to go to, and always went to the big games. Then he started talking about the World Cup he had gone to in 1970, traveling all the way to Australia for it.

"Hey... you guys should come too, to the International finale this summer!" James sat up, quite excited. "I'll pay. My treat."

"Yeah, then we can hang out some this summer, too!" Peter said, dropping his quill.

"Yes! We could have a sleepover at my place!" James pumped his fist in the air. "My parents'll be fine with it. We've got plenty of space. And by then I'll have my new broom so you guys can give it a go."

"That'd be so awesome!" Peter scrambled away from the books, climbing up onto James's bed. "I'm sure my parents will be okay with that. They always like hearing about you guys when I write home. Maybe you can come visit my house too! It's not as impressive and a bit Muggle from my dad and grandfather--my Muggle grandfather, he lives with us--but we could do something there too."

Remus and Sirius were both silent as the two made plans and it took them a moment to realize this. "You two are coming too, right?" James said.

"My family's always got far too many stupid summer plans," Sirius said, inspecting his fingernails closely. "I doubt I'd be able to get away from having to be present."

"My--mum's usually worse in the--in the summer," Remus lied. "I don't think I-I should make plans since, um, I'd probably end up having to--to, uh, to cancel."

James looked disappointed and it didn't seem to help when Peter said, "Well, I'll definitely be able to come."

"Cool," he said in response, sounding fake to Remus's ears. He looked over at Sirius who now had a magazine in his hand, trying to ignore his friend's stares. "Are you sure you couldn't get--"

"We need music." Sirius jumped out of James's bed and turned on the radio. At least most the stations were playing music unlike earlier in the week, and Sirius found one playing the hits from the 60s. He turned it up loud, too loud for James to question him further which gave Remus some relief since he didn't want James pushing about visiting either.

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