Chapter Fifty-Nine - Plentiful Lack Of Wit

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On Thursday evening Remus reported to the library for the detention he was supposed to have the week before during the full moon. At first he was excited he'd be serving his detention in the library (James, Sirius, and Peter had spent two hours in the kitchens for theirs, washing dishes and getting into a bit of extra trouble for starting a water fight with each other) however as soon as he began working he realized just why they had given him a detention that normally would be a dream come true: it was during study group. As he wandered the aisles for misplaced books he kept passing the group and they'd watch him with amused eyes. Craft especially seemed to be enjoying watching Remus work. He could hear the Ravenclaw snickering, and Lily often telling him to stop it. She was the only one who wasn't entertained by Remus having to do this. Silverlocke didn't seem too entertained either, at least.

After a while he realized someone was messing with him when he re-shelved a book he had already taken care of earlier. Then it happened again. Frowning, he hurried through the aisles until he found the culprit: Snape. He watched as Snape pulled a book off one shelf, went down another aisle, and pushed it in there.

"Hey!" Remus marched over.

Snape jumped a little then scowled. "What do you want, Loopy?"

"Stop that!" He took the misplaced book. "What are you--you--you doing that f-for?"

"I thought about checking it out but couldn't remember where I got it," Snape lied smoothly.

Remus clenched his teeth, resisting the urge to give into wolfish violence and pop that smug look in. "I'm sorry. It must be so difficult to--to have such a terrible memory. Of course, that probably explains your grades."

Snape's face grew stormy. "What did you say?"

"Wow, your memory is worse than I thought if you've already forgotten. Have you considered seeking treatment for your ailment?"

Snape looked beyond furious now. "You little--" Remus turned on his heels, taking the book back to its proper place. Snape followed him. "I'm surprised they're letting you do this, letting a diseased person touch things other people touch." Remus just kept walking, eyes scanning for books out of place, ignoring Snape. "I wish Lily would listen to me, she's going to get whatever you have. You know, if you truly thought of her as a friend you'd keep away from her, for her own safe--"

Remus whirled around suddenly and Snape--who had been following closely--nearly ran into him. "You have a plentiful lack of wit, Snivellus, and show it well." Then he turned once more, storming off.

He heard Snape pull out his wand. A shiver went through his body and he went for his own wand to shield himself, but Snape was faster, and the spell he used was one Remus had never heard before. "Langlock!" Snape hissed out.

Remus stumbled back, blinking at the other boy. Snape smirked, tucking his wand away, and hurrying off, his robes billowing behind him. Remus tried to ask him what he did but--he couldn't. His tongue was affixed to the roof of his mouth, or something very like it. He made strangled sort of sounds, clapping his hand to his mouth.

"Nnnggg--ggg! Ggg! Ggggllll!" He began clawing at his mouth, panic rising rapidly. He began running through the aisles, to the front of the room. "Gggllgnn!" he exclaimed, pounding his hands on Farrow's desk.

"What on earth--?" Farrow stood up, very angry. "What are you doing, boy? You're supposed to be working!"

"Ggnnnllg!" Remus felt tears going down his cheeks now, and he pointed at his mouth. "Hnnnn!"

"I shall give you more detention unless you stop fooling around right this second!" Farrow snapped.

Remus shook his head. "Nnnn!" He pulled out his wand, pointing at it, then pointing at his mouth. Then grabbed a piece of paper off Farrow's desk. CURSE! he wrote in big letters.

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