Chapter Forty-Nine - Jirius

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Remus felt exhausted in the morning. Between Astronomy, his nightmare, and talking (and crying) he just didn't get much sleep at all. At least his second morning class was History which wasn't exactly taxing.

Sirius seemed a little distant all breakfast. He talked to Remus plenty enough however Remus could sense something was off. No, not 'something'. It was last night. He just wasn't sure what to do about it. Did Sirius think Remus was still mad? Was Sirius still mad? He didn't smell angry...

Remus felt agitated all through Transfiguration and by the time History started, he had a headache. He tapped his quill against his paper, thinking, then finally scrawled out a note, each word carefully chosen.

I'm really sorry for anything I said last night.

"Locomotor parchment," he whispered, having to glance back to shoot the paper onto Sirius's desk.

Sirius jumped a little, startled. Remus heard him open the note and then the sound of quill scratching. Then a wad of paper was tossed over Remus's shoulder, onto his desk.

its fine no harm no fowl - SB

Remus blinked at the message, trying not to laugh. He then thought of what to say back. He wanted to say the right things, he just didn't know what they were.

I like being your friend. I really hope that what I said didn't make it sound like I didn't. I don't mind having someone to talk to after I have a nightmare either. I just feel guilty for bothering people. Besides, don't you need your "Beauty" sleep? PS: It's 'No Harm No Foul' not fowl, and clearly I caused some harm, didn't I?

Since Sirius was now expecting a note, Remus just twisted his arm back to slip it to him. It took a good five minutes to get a response.

i just got upset cuz i was worried you were just gonna push us away again like you used to bfor we were friends - SB PS dont judge me for my farm maybe i have chickens you dont know that

Then just as Remus was about to respond, he got another note.

its ok if you need time alone by the way if we get to be too much for you just tell us ok? its ok - SB

This caused Remus to pause, and chew at his quill as he figured out what to say.

I know everyone thinks I'm crazy and I don't want to do anything to exacerbate that. PS: Congratulations on knowing that chickens are indeed fowls.

Remus got three notes this time.

your not crazy & we dont think you are - SB

wat in merlins name does excarbate mean - SB

Then finally the third had a very well drawn chicken on it with a bubble coming out of its mouth, and in the bubble was the word NERD.

Everyone else thinks I am, and I know that all three of you probably have thought it at some time or another. I'm not angry about it. I understand why you might think that. I just don't want to EXACERBATE it which you had right in front of you, written out, and you STILL misspelled it? Exacerbate means to make a problem or situation worse, in a negative way. PS: Why are you signing all your notes? I know perfectly well it's you.

did you ever be in st mungos? - SB PS Sirius does what Sirius wants - SB (had to sign it twice in case you didnt know who you were writing to maybe jimmy took over my seat you ever think of that?)

Remus stared at this note, heart pounding. He carefully dipped his quill into his ink pot and even more carefully wrote out a reply, hoping his lies would seem believable.

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