Chapter 5

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I dedicate this chapter to:BucketCrazy glitter_xox ,AnitaJackson9 KelvinKlent bingo_bingo ,7aeyong ,FiftyShadesOfMerves ,_SugarGirl ,Gracie023 ,-MjEnesHuylu ,juanmaojeda9

Playlist; Austin Mahone- all I ever need

His lips felt warm and his breath was minty, the movement started slow but then, it became faster. I am sure the butterflies in my tummy would have been jumping in joy. After the kiss was over, he pulled me out of the class , I am sure the Jennifers would have been speechless. I think I owe them my gratitude, if not for them, I wouldn't have gotten such a nice first kiss. Ok can we keep the part about it being my first kiss a secret? When we got to an empty class, he stopped and asked if I was okay, I said I was. I was trying my best to keep my face neutral . Then I asked;
"Why did you kiss me?"

"Well, In The inheritors, Kim Tan kissed Cha Eun Sang when she was being bullied by Young Do and the rest of the class."


I should have known , how did he learn how to kiss? Of course he watched it in a movie . I thanked him , He said I was welcome and that he wanted to help me because I had already helped him a lot . And here I was , letting the butterflies in my tummy get all excited over nothing. He just did it to help me, no feelings attached. He must think that is how humans help each other because he watched it in a movie, maybe I shouldn't have let him watch " The inheritors". I was slightly disappointed, not because Clark doesn't like me, but because my first Kiss was because of such a reason . At least the Jennifers would stay away for a while, I hope.

I am sure they wouldn't give up just because if the fact that Clark kissed me, they just need enough time to come back with a better plan. Clark had left, he told me he wanted to check the school clubs and teams because It is compulsory for every student at Valorie high to join either a club or a sports team . After he left, Mara ran inside with the speed of light;


"Mara, what is it?"

"Is it true that Clark kissed you in front of the class?"

"How did you find out so soon?"

"It is all over the the school website, both pictures and videos."


This must not be happening, I checked the school website Just to confirm and to my dismay, it was the latest gist . I read the comments;
"I am happy for her."

"This is a scam , she is doing this to make Jigs Jealous"

"She is Valorie high's official slut"

"How could she get such a handsome boy?"

"After Jigs broke her heart, she must have decided to turn into a slut."

I couldn't read any longer. I was too sad. The word slut kept repeating itself in my head. There are lots of other terms, why must everyone use the word "slut". I think I should Just change my name to "Leah Slut" since thats what everyone sees me as anyway.Why do most people think the worst of me? Mara didn't care about what the whole school wrote about me, she said that they don't know the real me, and that if they did, they wouldn't talk like that.

Mara always finds a way to make me feel better. We went back to class and then we heard the bell for lunch time, did I forget to mention that I had not gone to the cafeteria since the day that Jigs hurt me. I couldn't face the everyone anymore, after being publicly embarrassed by who I thought was my boyfriend, so,I usually went hungry or sometimes, I would just eat a biscuit and drink some water .

But today, Mara forced me to the cafeteria saying I can't hide from the world forever . So, I decided to go today , as I entered with Mara beside me, it was as if everyone paused to look at me , even until I got my lunch and sat down. Then, Clark entered and sat opposite me, I greeted him and then looked down I didn't want to meet his eyes . I started eating very fast so that I would be able to leave quickly and avoid both the stares and Clark. Why was I avoiding Clark? I guess I haven't really gotten over the fact that I got kissed by him.

I started eating just too fast that I started choking, I was coughing really hard and my eyes were all teary . Just then I felt a hit on my back . I looked up and I saw Clark hitting my back . When I had stopped choking, he brought his hand and wiped my face .
Then I noticed that he was on his knees and the whole school was videotaping and taking pictures. Oh gosh . Mara went to get me a cup of water, when she got there and met other students taking pics and all that she immediately changed to beast mode barking and telling them to stop it . She even threatened to break some phones.

I was already close to tears , nothing was working properly anymore. My high school life has been messed up . I ran out, that was the only way I could get away from all that drama . I opened my phone to check the school website and I saw; LEAH OLIVARA STRIKES AGAIN ? DID SHE USE THIS MEANS TO INTRODUCE HER DOG; MARA DE VALLIE ?

Why are they bringing my friends into this mess? It's more like someone is doing this to me intentionally. In the article, it was written that I started choking on purpose so as to catch the attention of both Clark and the whole cafeteria what!!! Someone must be doing this to me intentionally. I need to go home . I am not used to skipping class, but, I need to have sometime alone . I call James to tell the driver to come pick me up and I also had to tell him to keep it a secret from my parents. I got home without telling anyone at school. When I got home , I met Clark there;

"How did you get here?"

"It's one of my abilities, I can teleport."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I told you that I have a lot of abilities; I don't even know them all."

"Wow , awesome . Sorry for not telling you I was coming home . I needed some time alone."

"I understand"
With this , he brought me closer and hugged me, even though he might be doing it for charity, I still felt better. And before I knew it, I was already sleeping.
When I woke up, I met myself sleeping on Clark's thigh. I sat up and met clark awake looking down at me , I asked him what he did to me that I slept so well , he also told me that that was one of his abilities. This guy has too many abilities. I thanked him for making me feel better and then I ordered a pizza for dinner.
When we ate our dinner, I asked Clark to tell me more about him .
Leah asked me to tell her more about myself . Why is she interested in me ? Why is she nice to me? When everyone else at uranus except my mother hated me , they constantly reminded me that I was not one of them because I looked more like a human . If I am not an Uranian . Then am I a human? I told Leah everything about me from when I was born till this point, I told her how I was bullied and hated . I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust Leah . Ever since I have met her she has showed me nothing but kindness .

She asked why I left my mother all alone at uranus , I had to tell her; A few weeks before I came to earth, a plague started at Uranus, it took some lives , and then one day, the uranian leaders, Lead by; pregos preptaut , a very heartless and greedy uranian leader came to my mum's house and told her that they have to execute me because it is believed that That I am the cause of the plague. I have no connection to the plague but they just wanted to use that as an excuse to get rid of me once and for all.

I get that they don't like me, but execution? That's just too extreme . My mum then told me to run away to earth and look for my father. I also told her that I was scared of people finding out that I am half alien because I didn't want them to treat me differently like those at Uranus . When I was done with telling her my story , I saw the look on her face, she pitied me, she then stood up to hug me. Nobody has to tell me this but I know one thing for sure; I am falling for this girl really hard.

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