Chapter 8

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Today is the second day of camp, I am excited, because I have a new handsome boyfriend. Yeah, I guess I am too excited. I get out of the tent only to realise that we have company, today is the first day of camp for westroof high school. Seemed the reservation was double booked, so they Just decided to join our camp. Uh-oh, the basketball teams of both schools are rivals.

This can never go well because both Jigs and Christin Dawson; the captain of westroof basketball team hate each other with passion. Something about a girl; before I started dating Jigs, he had a girlfriend. But then, Christin stole her away from him. Since then, both basketball teams have been at war. Both teams usually resort to violence and I don't want anything to ruin this camp.

I spot Christin near a tree talking with girls from my school. I am sure he doesn't care about any of the girls, he just wants to make Jigs angry. Well, he seems to get what he wants because I notice Jigs shift uncomfortably in his seat and then stand up to talk to girls from westwood high school ugh, how childish. I leave my tent to look for Mara, I find her near the beach and meet a not-so-surprising sight; Ken trying to talk to her again. Doesn't that boy give up?
I walk up to Mara and she signs in relief, There is noise everywhere, everyone seems to be talking so, I begin to talk to Mara ,Ken Joins in too.

Just then, there is a silence , I turn around to see a Clark wearing his swim shorts, my breath gets stuck in my throat, all eyes are on him. He seems to enjoy the attention, he walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek. I am taken aback and he uses that opportunity to push me into the river. I was soaking wet, just then he begins to laugh and joins me in the river. I begin to splash water at him and then everyone else joins us in the river,splashing water and laughing.

For the first time in a while, I could say I was happy. When we leave the water, girls from both schools run to meet Clark. A pang of Jealousy hits me. Clark looks at me and then smirks, he is trying to make me jealous. I will not fall for that, I will prove that to him, it's payback time.

I walk back into my tent and change into my bathing suit. When I step out, everyone turns to look at me, girls wide eyed and boys with mouths open. I give my best flirtatious smile and walk towards the beach. I dip myself in the water and step out dripping. Clark's mouth was wide open in shock. Then I smirk, serves you right boy. A lot of boys advance towards me, but Christin gets to me first.
We begin to talk, I laugh at something he says, and then I feel something pull me into a kiss; Clark.

My plan worked after all, after kissing me, he then smirked at Christin and pulled me away. I could see Christin's nose flare up in anger, this is bad. Clark has just gotten a new enemy just because of me. Clark took me back to my tent and entered with me. I talk to him;
"Jealous now are we?"

"Nice game"

"You started it"

"Come here"
With this, he pulled me closer and hugged me. He spoke into my ear and said: "you are mine alone, no sharing okay?" Of course I agreed. I could not have wished for anything else than to be with Clark.oh right,there is still the fishing competition with Jigs. He said he still remembered but he wants to wait for Jigs to talk about it. As if on cue, Jigs enters my tent
"What are you doing in my tent" I spit venomously

"Calm down babe, I came to ask Clark here if he still wants to compete with me or has he chickened out?"

"Clark would never chicken out"
With that, Jigs leaves the room.Clark shrugs and follows him too. When they get out, Christin says he wants to join in.

Everyone begins to chant names and cheer. Mara and I cheer for Clark, Ken also cheers for Clark, both Mara and I give him a puzzled look. He ignores us and continues cheering, I guess he would do anything for Mara to like him. The competition starts, Christin was the first one to get a fish,then Clark got a fish too but Jigs hasn't got any yet.

I could see that Jigs was getting uncomfortable. He is just too competitive. Clark got another fish and another and another. It was more like the fishes were coming to him. At the end of the competition, Christin got three fishes, Jigs got one while MY CLARK got eight fishes. After everything, Clark returned his fishes back into the river. When Clark got to me, I hugged him.
"Congratulations on winning against both Jigs and Christin"


"Why did you let the fishes go?"

"I promised not to kill them "

"You talked to the fishes?"

Wow, this guy is handsome and he's all mine. It's almost nighttime, we have a campfire this night so everyone went into the woods to look for wood. Mara went separately with Ken trailing her of course. I take my phone and plug in my headphones to listen to Demi Lovato's "Let it go" .

I walk into the woods with my torch and then begin to search for wood. As I was singing aloud, clearly enjoying my music, I feel a pair of hands grab me. I try to scream my mouth gets covered, I look up and I noticed that it was Christin and some other members of his team. I bit Christian's hand and then kick him. He let go and then I begin to run deeper into the woods and they also don't stop chasing me. I stop for a while to catch my breath, but that was clearly a mistake. Christin grabs me by the hair and then slaps me across the face.
I fall on the floor and started screaming and shouting Clark's name begging for someone save me.

I get kicked by one of Christin's team members and then my vision becomes blurry. I was being carried to somewhere I had no idea, then I heard Christin say something:
"You're the girl that both Clark and Jigs care about" . Just then, I hear Clark's Voice
"Put her down, If you touch just a hair on her head, I will kill you"
The person carrying me threw me on the ground, I felt like throwing up, all I heard later were grunts of pain. Then I blacked out. I wake up to meet myself in my tent and a worried Clark holding my hands, I sit up and I feel the worst pain anyone could ever feel. I ache all over, the question is; why would Christin and his team members do that to me? Clark tells me not to worry, that he handled everything, I couldn't be more grateful.

"How did you find me?" I ask

" I was also in the woods looking for wood when I heard you scream my name,I ran as fast as I could"

"Thank you for saving me"

"You're welcome"

Mara runs in to hold my hands, she had puffy eyes, I could have tell that she hadn't slept well. She must have been worried. I hug her and tell her not to be worried about me. I decide to step out of my tent. I walk around and see a bloodied Christin and some other bloodied Westroof students clark must have beat them up, serves them right. The look Christin gave me was a look saying; "I will pay you back" . It made me shiver.

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