Chapter 11

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Question; who else likes BTS?
I dedicate this chapter to @Ms_Horrendous and to all my fans and readers. Please don't forget to vote😉 and comment☺️. Guys, have you read "powers"? It is a wattpad book and it is super interesting.
Playlist; Taylor Swift- Blank space( I love the song)

Today is the last day of practice for the Valorie high basketball team, tomorrow is the match against Westroof high school. When I arrived at school today, I noticed that everyone on the team were anxious and jittery. Even Clark and Jigs, Mara also has been unsettled. She never seemed to care about basketball before, I suspect she is concerned because of Ken, although she would never admit it openly. I could say the same thing about myself, I never once cared about basketball even when I was dating Jigs, but now it is a totally different story.

Jigs continued yelling at his team mates, Coach Horton continued to calm everyone down even though we could see that he was anxious too . I don't really blame them, the last six times our school played against Christin's school, we lost horribly. That is why west roof high school are the reigning champs of basketball in the whole of LA. Yeah they're that good.

Whoever wins this round gets to go to Washington for the national round, and if they play well, they would most likely get sponsors and win scholarships. Everyone knows that college fees are expensive, so most of the students wants to win scholarships.

Class went on as usual, the Jennifers have been avoiding both me and Mara ever since Mara gave each of them a bloody eye when they pasted insults on my locker. The video was all over the internet, so I guess they still feel humiliated. Ha serves them right.

School went on as usual or should I say more "boring than usual". There was tension in the air. The principal permitted the guys in the basketball team and the cheerleaders to go practice during school hours and trust Valorie high students to go watch. The class was practically empty the whole day, I stayed in class with Mara. Mr Studman let everyone read silently on their own, so I decided to listen to some music. I noticed that Mara was so unsettled.
"Hey Mara"
"What's the matter, you worried about Ken?"
"NO! Of course not"

I give her a mischievous smile. "You sure? cos you don't look okay"
"I'm fine"
"That's it, Spill it, NOW!!!!!"
"Ok, ok I'll tell you, it's not like I am worried about Ken, it's just that he told me his dad does not have enough money to pay his college fees, so a scholarship is a must and we all know that west roof has always beat our school. I'm just worried, not because I like him or anything. I don't know why I'm this worried."

I have never seen Mara like this before, she really likes Ken but she would never admit it. Poor Mara, I am also worried about Clark not only because of this game but also because he has not found his father yet, I talked with lawyer park and some detectives. When he finds his father, would he leave? I don't want Clark to leave, but I can't be selfish.

The reason he came to earth was for his dad, not for me. I'll just live in the present and leave worrying about the future for another day.

Because of Mara's fidgeting, I asked her if we should go watch the practice session, she agreed immediately. All that for " I don't like him". As we were going, we saw the cheerleaders practicing. Lots of guys gathered there, ugh guys.

I am sure the Jennifers would fell a lot important right now, one can tell with the triumphant looks on their faces, they enjoyed having their asses on display, the cheerleading uniform comes with tights, but my lovely Jennifers (note the sarcasm in my tone) would never wear tights. Enough about them for now, thinking about them makes my blood boil.

I got to the basketball court with Mara tagging along of course. Oh shit, this guys are all shirtless, does the school even allow this, it must be illegal. I could practically hear my breathing ringing in my ears. This guys are HOT! I could watch this all night long. I saw Clark, he looked really tense, not just Clark but everyone else on the team.

I could see the worry lines on coach Horton's face. Clark looked up and saw, he smiled immediately. I waved at him, just then Jigs yelled; " Hey, Sheeran, pay attention"
Hmph Jerk. I noticed Mara was looking around for someone, Ken I suppose. Honestly, I don't understand why she can't tell ken she likes him.

Ken spotted her and ran to meet her, he said something then touched her cheek, a blush crept into her face but it left immediately after it came, she swatted his hands away. *rolling of eyes* typical Mara.
After the practice, I went home with Clark, Mara went home with Ken tagging along. I really hope our school wins this competition; because of Clark. I can't wait till tomorrow.

Hey guys, how are you? I am so sorry for not updating for a while, do you forgive me?🥴 please make me happy by pressing that star on your screen. Love you. Don't forget to leave a comment and please recommend my book. Love you 😘
Instagram; anjolaoluwaseun


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ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR SONG SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENT SECTION. It really means a lot to me. THANKS. Are you guys excited for the competition?

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