Chapter 13

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Playlist; Dua Lipa- Homesick

Author's note; Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a while, I kinda got writers block. I recently downloaded TikTok and I love it!!!!!
Please don't forget to vote and comment
This Chapter is dedicated to;Belladonna01234 and Daryl_De_Pony and to all my readers out there, I love you all.  :) ;)

The school is on fire?
The school is on fire?
      Clark just left for the school to get his stuff. I ran with all my might till I got to school, the basketball court is a bit far from our school.when I got to the entrance,I could not see anything,I started to choke,tears flowed freely from my eyes,the firefighters just arrived,they asked everyone to leave the premises. I couldn't. I started crying and explaining at the same time that someone was still inside.
       After a while,clark came out of the burning school with a girl in his arms; Samantha ,she was badly injured,he handed her over to the ambulance. I ran with all my might to hug him, he hugged me back,and buried his head in my hair.We stayed like that for several minutes.clark released me,then I noticed that he didn't have a single burn, he looked completely fine.he noticed me staring and said;
"It's one of my abilities, I just discovered it today. You're lucky you have such a cool boyfriend"  He winked
Relief coursed through my veins for the first time since the fire.
"Come here"  I said pulling him in for a kiss.He responded immediately with a passion I've never felt before . After the, kiss, I sighted a shadow walking away at the far end of the compound, Is it just me or does the shadow look like Jigs?
     I arrived home with clark two hours later, we joined the volunteers to help clean the school premises.we met a worried looking James and some other staffs waiting at the doorstep. I smiled and told them we were fine, they all sighed in relief. I got inside, I checked my phone and and said 15 missed calls from Mara . I called her back to ask how she was doing , she told me that she was at ken's house and that they had left the school before the fire started to prepare for the after party. I knew she wasn't at school at that time but I just had to confirm, I was worried . She asked after me too and I told her I was fine .
    I turned on my iPod to the loudest volume and listened to Shawn Mendes's "stitches". I got into the bath tub while humming and had the best bath of my life. I got out of the bathroom and let out a squeal, Clark was sitting on my bed,laughing at me
"How come i didn't hear you enter"
He shrugged "I guess you weren't paying attention."
"You could have told me you were in here, you scared the crap out of me"
He stood up to pull my cheeks, "what, were you that scared huh?"
I couldn't answer, my brain wasn't reasoning any longer, even my ears had given up their duties. All I could see was Clark's face less than five centimeters from mine. He must've noticed too, because all I could see him do was to swallow saliva. I guess I have the same effect on him.
I cleared my throat with all the willpower in me. He cleared his throat too and said;
"Ehm, I, l came here to t-tell you that James wants us uhm down"
"Oh , ok I'll be down soon, thank you"
Phew, that was so close.
  I got downstairs, and took a seat opposite Clark on the dining table. While we were having dinner, Clark and I got text messages from Ken, reminding us about the victory party tomorrow night. I also got an email from school, telling me that school would be closed down until further notice.
After diner, I went into my room, Mara called.
"Hey girl"
"LEAH! Check the news, RIGHT NOW!"
"Mara, calm down, what happened?"
"Just check the news, pronto"
"Ok, ok I will"
I switched the television to the news channel, I saw our school, and video tapes from the fire. The caption under was ; "HAVE WE JUST FOUND A SELFLESS HERO AMONG OUR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS?"
The video clip showed how Clark ran into the fire, to bring Samantha out. Everyone on the news was praised Clark and calling him "our young hero". I was proud of my boyfriend, he risked his life to save another's.  I've got the best boyfriend in the world.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I've not updated in a while, I've been extremely busy. Please forgive me, 🥺 . And also, don't forget to vote, and comment. It means a lot to me. Love y'all.

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