chapter 15(part 2)

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dedication;Capri5211 -cherryIips atokoosetaiwo OpemipoAdelusi JayOktarAndMiyaw corkia -LOVERBOY- Ms_Horrendous AvaViolet SumeenaSubedi xThePineappleGirlx MabelOsagiede chimyy_lovely
hey guys, it's me again. i decided to make this chapter about clark, so i'm going to make this chapter with clark's POV. happy reading, love you!



We arrived at principal Gary's office; Jade,Mara,Leah,Samantha,Judy,Ken and I. We heard the same old story of why we shouldn't be violent and all that. Mara was given three days kitchen duty, despite all the arguments. Jade was given a two week suspension, because she started the bullying and she also locked Samantha in the locker room. let me explain it to you in his words.

"Mara, you would perform kitchen duties for three days, you might have been defending someone, but that does not stop the fact that you participated in violence. Jade, you will be suspended for two weeks, you will not set foot on school grounds, you will not participate in any extra-curricular activities for the rest of the semester, and you will bring your parents to my office first thing tomorrow morning . Just to be clear, you participated in; Violence, bullying and attempted murder for locking up Samantha in the locker room, and for not speaking up when there was a fire. I'm very disappointed that a young girl like you has such horrible qualities. I hope you learn your lesson. As for you all, you shouldn't be okay with violence, you should have tried your best to prevent violence. you're dismissed"

well, that's it, that's all he said. Mara has been grumbling since lunch about her kitchen duties, with Ken trying his best to cheer her up. school went on as usual.

After school, Coach Horton asked us to meet at the court, to review our last game with Westroof. We were all present, including Jigs, coach continued to mention our names one after the other then he told us what each of us did wrong. When he got to Jigs's turn, he told Jigs that he doesn't have the team spirit, and that he doesn't know how to work together with people. Before coach Horton could finish his talk, Jigs started murmuring.

"Jigs, you got something to say boy?"

"Coach, this is all Clark's fault, if he didn't come into this team and start acting like he's better than everyone else. He acts like he knows everything, he .........."

Before I could respond, Ken did.

"Hold it right there Jigs, I think what you mean to say is that Clark listens to everyone, doesn't boss around and most importantly doesn't walk around with nose in the air and his head filled with hot air, he knows he is part of us, unlike you. He understands everyone, as a matter of Fact, everyone on the team prefers him to you, ISN'T THAT RIGHT TEAM?"

Everyone chorused a yes, I wanted to say something but Ken stopped me.

"Don't worry Clark, this is our fight, you don't have to stand up for him."

Jigs was so angry, he looked like he was about to burst.

"You know what guys, I'm out. You guys are fucking ingrates, I've been with you from the very beginning, yet you betray me because of this fool? Fuck you all!"

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