Chapter 7: The Return

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Brennen stood there once again in the shining and glistening palace of light with the same woman from his dreams standing in front of him like always.

"Hello young shadow walker" Etheria said holding her sword of light. The palace felt different this time around, and something else was wrong.

"I don't remember going to sleep Etheria, what is going on here" Brennen said through clenched teeth. He put his hands together and formed his katannas like every time before.

"Ah, you noticed, you are correct something is different. Unfortunately however I have no clue to what the difference is" Etheria said. There was not the least bit of worry in her voice.

"What do you mean, isn't this your palace Etheria?! I thought you knew everything that went around in here" Brennen said now confused about what was so different this time.

"I do, however that does not mean I know everything that is going on outside of this world" Etheria said in her always monotone voice.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?! Are you saying the thing that is causing the sense of difference is caused by something outside of my dream state?" Brennen said now confused on what was happening.

"That is correct young shadow walker" Etheria said to the young man before her.

"Then I need you to end this quickly so I can figure out what is happening" Brennen said. He was mostly concerned about what may be happening in the outside world, and more importantly what may be happening to Petra.

"Very well young shadow walker" Etheria said raising her sword and slashing his chest
Brennen woke up suddenly and quickly took notice of things were different then usual. The first thing he noticed was instead of being in the king size bed next to Petra he was in a single bed. The next thing he realized was that he was not wearing his usual black cloak and hood, he was instead wearing a blue apron like cloth. And the third thing he noticed, was he was no longer in the shadow verse at all, he was in a hospital, IN HIS WORLD! This was all to confusing because the last thing Brennen could remember was he was training with Petra.
"What the heck is going on, why am I back in my world, the last thing I remember was training with Petra" Brennen thought and then something his him (not literally).

"OMG WHERE IS PETRA?!" Brennen thought out loud.

As he did this two families people came into the room, Brennen's parents.

"Omg Brennen you are awake" Brennen's mom said with tears in her eyes as they both ran to hug him.

"Mom?! Dad?! Where am I, what is going on" Brennen said as his parents squeezed the life out of him.

"You have been in a comma for weeks son" Brennen's dad said as he hugged his son tightly.

"A comma, does that mean it was all a dream, but it felt so real. No it couldn't have been, I have to find out the truth" Brennen thought as he hugged his parents back.

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