Chapter 2 Arriving in a Whole New World

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Authors note: disclaimer i do not own any of these wonderful characters those rights go to Rick Riordan and disney

Nico's Pov:
I had no idea where I was going when I shadow traveled away from Will, I just wanted to get away and fast.

But this time felt different. The shadows around me hummed with an unfamiliar energy and I felt myself begin to tumble through the darkness. I hadn't experienced anything like this since I was first learning to shadow travel. Dad always warned me that strong emotions could influence and/or disrupt my powers. I was beginning to see the truth in his words.

When I finally stumbled out of the shadows, it was really bright and I could hear people talking in the distance.

I didn't know what to do at this point because I had no energy to travel back , no idea where I was and I was going to collapse soon.

I made my way out into the street and stared at my surroundings looking for anything familar, but all I saw was a castle like structure that said Auradon Prep on the front.

Suddenly I heard someone yell out "Hey are you ok!?" I turned around to see a teenage boy with black and white hair looking at me. I opened my mouth to reply but just then everything went black.

Carlos Pov:

I was just walking out of school when I heard foot steps coming towards me, and saw a short teenage boy with black hair stumbling out from behind the the school. I called out to him to ask if he was ok but before he could respond he passed out. "I don't think he's okay." my dog, Dude, commented from beside me.

I ran forward and caught the boy as he collapsed to the ground in front of me. Right as I caught him I turned around to see Jane come out of the school.

"Jane get help!" I yelled hoping the boy would be ok. She nodded and pulled out her phone calling for medical assistance, since this didn't seem like a case the nurse could handle.

About 15 minutes later an ambulance pulled up to the scene and EMTs carried the boy out of my arms and on to the truck. The Auradon police force arrived as well along with some one I didn't expect to see today.

There standing in the front of the now formed crowd was The king and queen of Auradon Mal and Ben. "Mal!"  I yelled over to her as I ran towards her from where the ambulance had just left from.

"Carlos, what happened?!" She asked as I arrived in front of her. I told her what I saw as she stared at me with a puzzled expression on her face. "What?, What's wrong Mal?"  I asked her noticing just how confused she looked

"I felt a surge of magic somewhere close by right before you said this boy showed up here." She explained staring up like she was thinking. Mal was silent for a moment before asking "Can you take me to where he came out from?"

"Yea sure" I responded beckoning her to follow me.

We walked to the area the boy seemed to come from and down the path he must have walked to get there. Ben then spoke up for the first time "What are you hoping to find Mal?" He asked her seeming confused.

"Just as I suspected." she said staring at the dead end of the alleyway the boy came from.

"Huh?" "What do you mean Mal?" I asked confused as to what she was thinking.

"Ya, Whats going on Mal?" Ben asked just as confused as I was.

"Don't you see, it's like he appeared out of thin air." Mal said pointing to tbe dead end.  "How do you know he just didn't walk down the alley and then pass out walking out of it?" Ben asked trying to erase Mal's suspicion towards the boy.

"I know because I can feel the magic strongest here at the end of the alley. Its like he teleported here from somewhere else in the U.S.A."(United States of Auradon). Mal stated firmly.

"Ok,ok" Ben said trying to calm Mal down before she turned into a dragon literally and turned us to ashes. 

"How about we go talk to him ourselves and find out" I suggested wanting to get out of the alley sooner rather then later.

"Fine, lets go" Mal said ready to confirm her findings.

We soon arrived at the Auradon hospital and I quickly pulled out my phone to text Jane to tell her what was going on and ask her to keep an eye on Dude while I'm gone. She quickly replied with ok and I followed Mal and Ben out of the royal limo and into the Hospital.

Ben walked up to the front desk and asked them about the boy and what his condition was at this point. He then came back and told us the boy was still unconscious and they had no idea when he would wake up.

Mal then turned to Ben and asked if we could at least visit him while we here. Ben told her that the nurses said we could and we headed into his room.

Mal stood over the boy looking at him with a strange expression on her face. "He's so powerful I can feel the magic radiating from him and something else that feels so familar like.."

"Like what Mal?" I asked confused as to what in the world she was talking about.

"Its like my father's essence is within him." she said soundly like she couldn't believe her own words

"Mal, what do you think this means?" Ben asked worried not only for the boy laying unconscious but also for the safety of his kingdom.

"I don't know but we need to keep an eye on him until he wakes up and we can find out the answer." She said seeming determind to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Okay." Ben agreed trying to make Mal happy and knowing that she was right about the situation.

"I will take first watch" I said knowing they had other things to do.

Mal nodded and then explained that she would get in touch with Jay and Evie so they could help with this as well. I nodded and we said a quick goodbye as they left to do their duties.

Three days later...

Nico's Pov:

I woke up in what seemed to be a hospital room and had no idea how long I was out for.

I then noticed that the same boy I saw before passing out was sitting in the chair next to my bed. Not wanting to make any skin to skin contact I yelled "Hey sleeping beauty wake up!"  Which caused him to jolt to an upright position .

He stared at me for a moment before speaking up and asking me how I felt to which I replied that I was fine. He called the nurse in and she checked me over agreeing that I was fine but should stay at the hospital for one more day of observation.

The boy then introduced himself  as Carlos De'Vil son of Cruella De'Vil. I stared in confusion because as I recalled Cruella was a fiction character from a disney movie.

I should know cause after hearing I had never seen one, Will made me watch everyone one he owned in chronological order.

I laughed and said "Okay if you say so." before introducing myself as Nico Di'Angelo but without the parent part not wanting to expose myself as a demigod.

Carlos then left to make a phone call and a few minutes later two teenagers with crowns on walked into the room.

The guy started introducing himself as Ben Beast, son of Belle and Beast, King of Auradon and the girl who seemed to be his girlfriend stepped up to introduce herself.

I could feel something as she came closer to me, it was like she was familar but not familiar at all. "I'm Mal Faery daughter of Malificent and Hades, Queen of Auradon." she stated watching me intently.

It suddenly made sense why her presence was so familar almost reminding me of Bianca or Hazel in a way.

"Tha-that's impossi-ble" I stuttered staring at her in confusion. "What do you mean impossible?" She asked just as confused as I was.

That's impossible because "I'm Nico Di'Angelo, son of Hades, and the only sisters I have are Bianca Di'Angelo and Hazel Levesque!" I stated firmly frustrated and confused with this whole situation.

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