Chapter 11 Complications and Conquest

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Carlos's Pov:

"Guys, what was that?" I asked as we all turned to look out and see where the loud explosive noise we had just heard came from.

"I think Kronos is angry and on his way to get revenge." Nico said.

We could see fire in the distance and people fleeing from their houses.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" Dude yelled dramatically.

"Dude quiet down, everything will be okay I promise." I said, speaking calmly to my dog patting him on the head.

"Okay," Mal said speaking up. "We have to head out there and stop Kronos before he gets here. Protect the three who need to pull the weapon apart at all cost." she said giving us a pep talk.

We all nodded and headed out to fight, but as we all turned to leave Jay put his hand on Mal's and we all proceeded to due the same "We're rotten..." he started,  " To the core" we finished all raising our hands up together.

When we stepped out we realized Kronos was closer then we imagined. Our group ran and started fighting off the gods and goddesses under his control protecting the innocent bystanders.

"Why is he coming to us? Doesn't that make things too easy for us?" Doug asked out loud.

"More like we've made things too easy for him." Mal commented pointing out that the three main people in this operation were all together fighting their way towards Kronos.

Suddenly, a stray lightning bolt came down from Zeus and struck Melody and she tumbled to the gound with a thump.

"Melody!!" Mal and Uma screamed rushing to her assistance.

Jay ran over and put his finger to her neck. "She's breathing but not for long if we don't get her some help." he said as a grim look appeared on his face.

"Carlos! Jay!" Mal called out to us
"Take her back to safety and get her to the hospotal as quickly as you can." She commanded.

We noded and headed off that way carring Melody away from the battle scene.

Uma's Pov:

"What do we do now?!" I asked Mal since Melody was not going to be around to complete the plan.

"I don't know---" Mal started to say but she was cut off.

"You know I once heard that Ursula is related to the royal family of Atlantica." Jane spoke up as she fought off magic with enchanted lake water.

"No way am I related to the perky little mermaids, no offense to Melody, but I prefer cecaelians as water creatures go." I responded dodging an attack from Ares.

"It could be true though cause Ursula once lived and worked in the castle and people always thought she over reacted about losing her job there. If she was related to the king her anger would make so much more sense. That means she lost not only the right to the throne, but the right to any of the riches." Doug said.

"Fine, let's just get this over with." I sighed running to catch up with Herky and Nico as they got up and personal with Kronos.

"You're agreeing just like that?" Mal asked looking confused. "We don't even know if your actually going to be able to help." She continued.

"The world is at stake here Mal. My mom might be a villian and while that will always be my roots, this is my chance to be a hero and show the world that Good is the new bad. You know?" I said as we got up close to Kronos and waited to hear from the otherside of things. "It's a risk I'm willing to take, I mean it seems were 75 percent sure I may be related to Triton anyway so it's worth it." I exclaimed.

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