Chapter 8 Fanning out and Fixing Problems

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Uma's Pov:

I called Melody but I got no response. So, seeing that this was an emergency I used my necklace and swam down to Atlantica to find her. When I arrived something wasn't right, no one was outside and I could hear something moving back and fourth on the ocean floor.

"No" I whispered to myself as I came around the corner and saw some sort of mer creatures guarding the entrances to the city and heard the screams of people asking to be let out. "I gotta tell the others," I said as I swam off back to the surface.


Jay's pov:

I pulled out my phone and called Herky but he didn't answer. That's unusual I thought to myself. I decided since we are short on time I better just go get him. When I arrived to his dorm it was open and seemed to have been forced. I walked in and it look like a tourney match had happened in his dorm. I heard a rustling noise in the closet and whipped it open while holding a broom for protection.

"Don't hurt me!!" A voiced cried out as I pointed the broom into the closet.

"Pin? What are you doing in there? What happened?" I asked him.

"Herky and I were playing that cool new video game. When suddenly things got dark and a possessed looking Zeus flies through the window, sweeps Herky into a typhoon like storm, and leaves with him. The storm tore our room apart and I jumped into the closet to protect myself from flying objects. I knew he left but I was too petrified to come out."

"Great" I mumbled to myself. "I hope Uma had better luck."

"Pin, go find a safe place to stay until this can be cleaned up. Me and my friends are going to find Herky."

Pin nodded and ran off down the hall. Meanwhile I ran back to meet with the others.

Back to present day..

Mal's Pov:

"What do you mean problems?" I asked

"Herky and Melody have both been taken hostage by there own family members." Jay spoke up.

"Do we know where they're being held?" I asked

Uma spoke again " Melody is being held with all the other citzens of Atlantica inside their city walls."

Before I could reply Jay answered me as well.

"Herky was taken from his dorm by Zeus so, I'm assuming he is on Mount Olympus." He explained.

   " Aright, Uma take Harry, Carlos, Gil. And Jane to the the school, get wet suits for them and go get Melody. I will take Jay, Nico, Ben, Evie and Hadie with me to Mount Olympus. Audrey and Chad make sure everyone else is safe. My team is to meet me out near the old abandoned house by Mount Olympus."

"Got it" they replied and hung up the phone."

"Lets go Nico" I said as I lead him towards the meeting point.

When we arrived the others were already waiting for us. We regrouped in the cabin and began going over strategy.

"I can distract them." Nico said.

"There is likely to be multiple gods waiting in there. How are you gonna distract them on your own without getting killed?" I asked him

"I'm a demigod, I may not have my powers but I'm used to dealing with Gods and Goddesses. I know how to distract certain ones. If it makes you feel better why doesn't Hadie help me."

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