Chapter 19 Recovery and Rad Parties

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Will's Pov:

Things are starting to go back to normal. A few weeks have passed since Nico returned and I am now in the newly rebuilt Apollo cabin and back in my own bed. Though in my opinion I'm fine, my boyfriend declares that I am to stay on bed rest  for at least most of today. Apparently he is the doctor now, it's funny how the tables turn.

"Will! Where are you?" He calls out to me as I attempt to sneak out of my room and visit patients in the hospital.

I had snuck out while he was gone and hid in the supply closet in the hall when I heard him coming. I had to get out of that room and on my feet. We've been on a few walks over the week but he has not let me go anywhere on my own expecially after he found out I had a seizure before he arrived back to our reality. Which was simply caused by a small amount of swelling in my brain but the swelling went down and I am fine.

"Kayla! He escaped again!" I hear him yell. I flee the closet and run through the door that goes to the infirmary.  Then I hide around the corner as I see Kayla walking my way. She heads toward the door I just came through and disapears.

"Whew, that was close." I mumbled.

"Not so fast Solace." I hear a voice in the shadows behind me reply.

I shake my head.

"Nico, I'm fine, let me take some time to get out of my room. Plus, I'm going to the camp halfblood demigod gathering party tonight anyway. I need to get used to being up and walking." I try to convince him.

"You had a seizure Solace. You practically injured every part of your body trying to fight an enemy you obviously underestimated."

"Yes, like you haven't thrown yourself into danger Mr. Ghost King!" I responded.

"Yes but I have the power to fight back! You only have your bow and arrow and wits! You could have been killed Solace!!! What were you even thinking!!" Nico suddenly began to yell back at me and I realized he must have been holding all of this in for a while.


The words spewed from my mouth before I realized what was happening.

"Will.." he trailed off  he shook his head and stared at the ground "Why would you think you needed to prove anything. Everyone knows you are a valuable part of this camp and fight just as good as anyone here, even Clairese."

Something in his eyes told me whatever was in his head right now wasn't good. Before I could speak again he continued.

"Why would you even risk anything for me?  Caring about me is one thing, but risking your life for me?  Do you realize how I would have felt if you had died Solace? And what for? Because I was reckless and didn't listen before I ran?" He sighed once again turning away from me and walking away.

"Nico!" I called to him as he walked away.

"Just let him cool off." a voice said as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my sister standing next to me.

"While you have been recovering physically he has been recovering mentally from all of this. You of all people should know this since you're not only his boyfriend but basicly his personal doctor."

I sighed and nodded my head, turning to look at my sister as she gave my hand a squeeze.

"Why don't you go give Percy and everyone a hand with the party set up. You should be clear for physical activity after all." She said a smile gracing her lips as she removed her hand from my shoulder.

I nodded and walked in that direction. Four hours later and the party had started. It was now two o'clock and all the demigod kids were celebrating together. There were many things to celebrate: the end of this conflict, Nico's birthday since things got interupted, and his return.

I was sitting at one of the tables listening as some of my siblings played music up on the small stage put together in the center of camp. Nico had still not appeared but I had a feeling he would show up in his own time. Then suddenly I heard someone sit down beside me.

"Nico?" I whispered as I turned to look at him and realized he was there. I slid over and put an arm around him.

"Are you okay now?" I whispered to him. "Are we okay?"

"Everything is fine Solace." he replied as a slight smirk came on his face. "But next time you try and play superhero I will kill you myself."

I laughed. 

"Sure deathboy, whatever you say." I quipped back playfully.

He sighed and shook his head "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!?"

I just laughed as I got up and walked towards our friends knowing that he would follow.

"Nico! Come join the fun!" Percy yelled as he and some of the others were talking and dancing around having fun.

Nico simply smiled at that and stood next to me as we watched the craziness unfold.

"Percy you know Dionysus is not going to like this." Annabeth commented to her boyfriend.

"We will clean up before he even gets the chance to find out. " he responded.

Dionysus is away briefly dealing with the Gods and Goddesses in the aftermath of all this chaos that occured. Chiron is here and gave us permission but Dionysus has no idea.

Suddenly, Nico turned toward me putting a hand on his head.

"I think I'm hallucinating." he murmured.

"Why?" I questioned in concern.

"There is a floating, talking sword flirting with Riptide over there. " He said pointing to our left.

"That is not a hallucination, that is Jack he belongs to Magnus, Annabeth's cousin." I replied.

"I've missed alot clearly." he replied.

"Don't worry death boy I will catch you up on everything tommorrow. Let's just enjoy the celebration while we can."

The party went on until midnight and then everyone went to their cabins and guest cabins. The others had stayed for a while to help with the rebuilding and tonight was also their last night here. Tommorrow we would all say goodbye.

Authors note: thanks for your patience! Here is a fluff chapter. Only 3 more chapters to go and we are done with this story. Dont worry though there may be suprises in store afterwards. Keep reading to find out. ;) comment , vote and follow me if you want. See you soon!!!

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