Chapter 18 Returning Home and Rekindling relationships

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Nico's Pov:

I walked around camp searching for anyone else. When suddenly I saw a large group of people near where Apollo cabin should have been. I took off running towards them.

"Nico!" I heard a voice yell. I turned around just in time to see Percy and Anabeth running toward me.

"Hey guys" I mumbled muffled by the akward hug they had squished me in. They stepped back and tugged me toward the large group of people.

"Guys where----"  I began to ask but then I saw the make shift infirmary come into view in front of me. The first person I saw was Jason and then Reyna and finally Hazel. They all seem to have just become concious not too long ago.

"Nico!!" Hazel yelled jumping up from her cot and ran towards me.

"Hazel you shouldn't be up yet your still recovering" Frank stated as he tried to get her to lay back down.

"I'm fine Frank and I need to check on my brother." she responded as she practically jumped into my arms.

"Thank the Gods you're okay." I mumbled quietly as I embraced my sister. After a moment I slowly backed away from the hug  as human contact just isn't my thing. Just then I notice Jason and Reyna had walked up behind me.

"Hey." I said inspecting their injuries.

"Hey!!! Thats all you have to say!?" They said in unison staring me down like worried yet annoyed parents.

"Would you both calm down. I'm fine and so is everyone else."  I said shaking my head at the two of them.

"Aren't you forgetting about someone?" Will's sister said staring at me with her arms crossed.

Suddenly I looked around frantically then stared at the floor and mumbled "Where is he?"

"He is in our make shift ER after practically trying to get himself killed on the battle field just to bring you home." She stated as she stared at me.

I followed her into the room and saw him laying on the cot looking just like he was sleeping. I grabbed his hand  and let a tear slip out as I began to talk once we were left alone.  "What did you do?" I mumbled. I shook my head before speaking clearly. "I don't know what to think. One minute you seem to be with someone else and then the next you're throwing yourself into hell to save me. Kinda ironic I guess me being the son of Hades. Oh gods im rambling." I shook my head and stood up leaning over to place a kiss on his forhead as I let his hand go deciding to get some air. I walked down to a tiny area at camp where memorials are made for those lost throughout the years and looked around. There are many diffrent memorials placed in the area for people such as Selena Beauregard and Charles Beckendorf, Castor, Lee Fletcher, Micheal Yew, Ethan Nakamura (yes even those who make mistakes deserve to be remembered), Luke Castellan, Another Apollo child that was never able to be identified after death, my sister Bianca Di' Angelo and the newest one Leo Valdez who gave himself up to stop Gaea.

I bent down in front of Bianca's memorial placing my hand on it and began to whisper as tears escaped an slipped down my face. "I don't know what to believe anymore. I Love him but I can't shake the feeling of seeing him with someone else. Maybe I saw the situation wrong or maybe I didn't either way things are going to change and I don't cope well with change you know that". I said staring at the stone and wiping my tears away. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey." a voiced I immediatly identified as Hazel spoke sitting down beside me.

I turned and looked at her trying to hide my tears from her but I knew it would fail in the end.

" Nico it is okay to cry you know." She said wrapping an arm around me.

"What am I going to do Hazel?" I asked her fighting the urge to cry again.

"This is what you're going to do." She said. "You are going to come with me to the infirmary and hug your boyfriend and talk to him. Once you hear his side then you make a decsion on what to do next. Relationships are built on communication." She then pulled me up and we began walking back before I could reply and next thing I knew we were standing near Will's cot and the moment was upon me.

"What happened? Where did the fight go? Where is Nico?" I heard Will questioning his sister.

I stepped forward and stood behind him  "I'm right here Solace." I stated causing Will to quickly turn around and attempt to get up and come towards me.

"Woah no so fast you're on bed rest doctor's orders." I stated pushing him back on to the bed.

" Very funny Deathboy." he stated "Kayla can you give us a minute?" He asked. She nodded and walked off yelling "No funny buissness you two!"

We were both silent at first before I finnally spoke up. "I'm glad you're okay Solace, for a moment I thought I would have to visit you in the underworld when I got back."

"You can't rid of me that easily deathboy." he fired back.

"Ya, Ya now please explain what the Hades I saw before I left." I said needing to know the truth for my sake and his.

"It's not what you think it was deathboy, far from it actually." He started. "I was trying to suprise you with a birthday get together with all your friends." He explained.

"Who was that in the woods then?" I asked.

"It was Jason, we were planning this together". He answered me. " Did you really think I would cheat on you?" He asked.

"I don't believe you're that kind of person but I mean I'm not much of a boyfriend either so I really didn't know what to think." I stated. Suddenly he pulled me in and placed his lips on mine.

"Nico don't ever think like that ever again. You are enough for me. You are perfect and there are so many things to love about you." he said once the kiss ended. " I love you." he said before I could respond.

"I love you too." I responded quietly before he could say anything sudennly another voice cut in "awww."

"Percy shut up." I heard another voice say.

I sighed. Things are back to normal. I thought to myself. I turned back to look at Will and we began to talk once again.

One thing I couldn't shake though was the feeling that everything wasn't exactly back to normal....

Author's note:

IM STILL HERE EVERYONE!! Sorry if I disappeared I took a week off around mothers day to spend with my family and then things just kept getting in the way. I promise to work on updating more frequently. Thank you for reading!! Comment, vote and read on!!

Ps. If you started reading this when it was just starting their was an error where I put Leo in a chapter but he is assumed dead at this point so I changed it to Percy when I noticed that issue. So if you read the leo memorial and wer confused I'm sorry. Ok goodbye for now friends!!

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