Chapter 5

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"Dammit!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the wall.

"This is on me." Jax said.

I turned on him. "You bet your ass it is!"

I limped over to the table. "I want you to split up and scour this whole fucking state if you have to, just find them, and fast. No more mistakes."

"Yes, ma'am." They replied...

After spending the night in the bar, Buck helped us load some weapons and gear in the trunk of the Buick.

I set the last bag in and closed the trunk.

"Thanks, Buck." Roxy said.

He patted her shoulder. "Don't mention it."

I walked over to them. "So, how far is this place?"

Buck pulled a slip of paper and a cell phone from his pocket, handing them to Roxy. "That's the address, it's only a few hours away from here."

She looked down at the phone. "And this?"

"It's a burner, give me a call when you're settled in. I'll be down there after I make a few stops." He replied.

We nodded then said our goodbyes and hopped in the Buick, following Bucks pickup truck out of the parking lot.

We split off from Buck and turned onto the highway, driving until late in the day.

After a few u-turns, we finally found the safehouse. It was a small cabin located deep in the mountains.

I pulled the car into the long driveway and stepped out, taking in the view. "I could get used to this."

Roxy got out of the car. "Same."

I walked over to the trunk and popped it open, grabbing a few bags. "Alright, enough sight seeing, let's get this shit inside."

After getting everything unloaded in the cabin, we sat down at the kitchen table and Roxy pulled the burner phone from her pocket.

She dialed the number Buck gave us and put it on speaker.

He answered after a few rings. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Roxy." She replied.

"Hey, you guys settled in?"

"Yeah." Roxy said.

"Nice place." I added.

"Thanks, I'm glad you like it. But, I have some news."

"What's up?" Roxy asked.

"I got a call from a friend at the local sheriffs office, they were able to get a match on the fingerprints from the gun."


"And, after running a few background checks we were able to find out the guys name and his known accomplices. Your pal Summers is one of them."

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