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I stared at the framed picture of Buck as I hung it from the wall of his bar.

   "I'm gonna miss him." Audrey said as she took a seat on one of the barstools.

   I turned to face her. "Me too..."

   "How about a couple shots? In his honor." Audrey suggested.

   "Only if you're sharing." We heard.

   We glanced at the front door, seeing Ned approaching us.

   With a smile he pulled each of us into a quick hug before joining Audrey at the bar.

   I grabbed three glasses and poured out the shots.

   We all took one.

   "To Buck." I said.

   "To buck." They replied before clinking glasses and downing the shots.

   I set my empty glass down just as a knock rang out from the door.

   "Expecting company?" Ned asked.

   I shook my head, reaching for Bucks shotgun under the bar.

   Audrey slowly approached the door before pulling it open, revealing detective Ames and chief Breslin.

I let out a relieved sigh.

   Audrey faced Ames. "I guess they just let anyone in this place, huh?"

   He laughed a little. "Watch it, or you won't get your present."

   We chuckled as they approached the bar.

   Chief Breslin spoke up first. "I just wanted to start by apologizing, again. This never should've happened and it cost you a close friend."

   I lowered my head. "Thank you, sir."

   He nodded, patting my shoulder. "Also, I wanted to say, the captain position is still yours if you want it."

   I glanced up at him, then faced Audrey.

   She smiled.

   I returned it before looking back at Breslin. "Thank you, sir... but, I'm gonna have to decline. I wanna start new here, away from all the death and bullshit. I made a promise to Buck and my beautiful wife and I intend on keeping it."

   Breslin smiled. "Then, I'm sorry to do this Fischer, but you're officially fired."

   I chuckled a little, sticking my hand in his direction. "It's been a true honor, sir."

   He took my hand and shook it. "Likewise."

   Then, he nodded to everyone else before leaving the bar.

   Ned patted my shoulder. "This'll be good for you and Audrey."

   I smiled and nodded. "I hope so."

   Audrey gave my hand a gentle squeeze before facing Ames. "So... about that present?"

   He laughed before sticking his hand in his pocket, pulling out a familiar set of keys. "Consider this a wedding gift."

   Audrey smiled as she took the keys. Then, she looked up at Ames. "Thanks."

   He smiled and nodded. "Don't mention it."

   "Why don't you and Audrey take it for a ride? I can hold down the fort here." Ned said.

   We thanked him before heading out the door, Audrey's Buick sat parked across the street. It looked even better then when she first got it.

   "Holy shit, how'd you pull that off?" Audrey asked Ames.

   He patted her shoulder. "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

   She chuckled before punching his arm playfully. "Whatever, let's see what this thing can do."

   I followed her to the car with a laugh.

   "Keep it under the speed limit, Audrey, your wife's not a cop anymore." Ames said before we could get in.

   She flashed him a smirk. "Well, good luck trying to catch me."

   He smiled and shook his head as we jumped in.

   She started the car before turning to me. "So, where to?"

   "How about a nice little spot... away from prying eyes." I replied with a wink.

   She smiled before planting a soft kiss on my lips. "Your wish is my command, beautiful."

   Then, she put it in gear and floored it down the street.

   Taking off down the long, empty road, forrest on either side. The sun starting to set above us.

   I couldn't have asked for anything better...

The End

Long Road 2: The Revenge (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now