Chapter 12

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Audrey and I crept deeper into the abandoned building in search of Summers. With her lackeys all disposed of, that left only her, one more asshole then we were home free.

We wandered down a hallway, eventually stopping in front of a closed door.

"You think she's in there?" Audrey asked.

"Only one way to find out." I replied before kicking the door open and charging in, gun raised.

We expected to see Summers inside but, instead, we saw Ned and detective Ames tied to two chairs in the middle of the room.

Their muffled yells ringing out from behind the duct tape stuck to their mouths.

"Hold on, we're gonna get you outta here." I said, holstering my gun.

"What the hell happened?" Audrey added.

I walked in front of Ames and ripped the duct tape off, while Audrey pulled Ned's off. That's when we heard the click.

"How nice of you to finally join us."

Audrey and I slowly turned around, coming face to face with detective Starling.

"Drop the gun, Sterling, we can work-" Ames started, but was cut off by a bullet to the shoulder, courtesy of detective Starling.

He let out a loud groan.

"That's not my name, you stupid fuck!" Starling yelled.

I reached for my gun, but Starling was quick. "Drop 'em, both of you." She said, aiming hers at us.

We slowly pulled our guns out of their holsters and tossed them in front of Starling, raising our hands.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

She scoffed. "You should know the answer to that better than anyone. You can't make a living on a cops salary. Besides, all the bullshit paperwork just isn't worth it."

"How much is Summers paying you?" Audrey asked.

"More than you'll make in a lifetime."

A small laugh escaped my lips. "You're no better than her, or any of the assholes rotting away in prison. You're just a common criminal."

Starling glared at me. "I'm nothing like her and don't you forget that. Once her usefulness runs out, I'll get rid of her. Just like you."

"Where's Summers?" Audrey asked.

Starling smirked as she made her way closer to Audrey, looking her up and down as she did.

"It's a shame for something so pretty to go to waste." She said.

"Answer the damn question!" I yelled, the jealousy in my gut taking over.

Starling pressed the barrel of the gun to the back of my head. "You're in no position to demand anything." Then, she hit me over the head with her pistol.

I fell to my knees, Audrey was at my side in a second.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

I just nodded, rubbing the back of my head.

Starling chuckled. "To answer your question, officer Summers should be here any second."

Sure enough, Summers limped into the room shortly after.

"Well, well, fancy meeting you here." She said, an evil smile lighting up her face.

"You won't make it out of here alive." I said, staring up at her.

She chuckled. "Sure I will, right after I put a bullet between those pretty eyes of yours."

She pulled her gun and aimed it at my forehead.

I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for what was about to happen, when Audrey sprung into action.

She tackled Summers to the floor, wrestling the gun out of her hand.

I quickly spun around and kicked Starling in the back of the knee, dropping her to the ground as well.

I crawled on top of her and grabbed her collar.

   "Didn't you know it's disrespectful to hit on someone else's wife?" I asked before punching her hard in the face, then again, and once more for good measure.

I got to my feet, grabbing Starlings gun and pointing it at Summers, who had Audrey in a headlock.


She glanced up at me before slowly letting go of Audrey.

Audrey got to her feet, scooping up Summers pistol on the way. "Say Goodnight, bitch." She said, pointing her gun at Summers.

But, before she could get a shot off, Starling kicked the gun out of my hand, distracting Audrey long enough for Summers to get to her feet and run out of the room.

"Don't let her get away!" I yelled as I spun around in time to block a punch from Starling.

She threw another one, but I grabbed it and twisted, wrenching her arm behind her back.

She quickly threw her head back, connecting with my nose.

I released my grip, backing up a little.

Then, she spun around, sending a roundhouse kick my way.

I was able to dodge it in time, but she followed up with a hard punch to my jaw.

I fell to the ground, trying to blink the stars away.

Starling knelt down in front of me, pistol in hand.

Before she could even open her mouth, I launched my foot up, catching her under the jaw.

She fell back onto the floor, dropping her pistol in the process.

I quickly grabbed it and stood over her, pointing it directly between her eyes.

She raised her hands as she sat up, a cocky smile spreading on her lips. "You cant shoot me, You're a police officer, remember?"

I returned her smile.

   "I'm off today." Then, I pulled the trigger.

Starling fell back, dead.

I let out a brief sigh before dropping the gun and turning to Ames and Ned, helping them out of the restraints.

Ames glanced at Starling as I untied his ropes. "I never liked her anyway."

I shook my head and smiled as I finished untying his ropes, then moved on to Ned's.

After everyone was free, we each grabbed a gun and made our way back to the main entrance, Audrey and Summers were no where to be found.

"Where do you think they went?" Ames asked.

I glanced at the exit door, which was wide open. "I have a few ideas."

They followed me out into the gravel parking lot, Audrey's car was nowhere to be found.

"Shit, they could be anywhere." I said.

"C'mon, my cars not that far from here. We're not doing her any good standing around here." Ames said, leading us towards his car.

We all pilled in and took off down the road, in search of Audrey and Summers...

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