Chapter 10

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We loaded the guns back into the bags before walking to the door, ready to head out to the meeting location.

"We'll meet you guys there." Ames said, following Starling and Ned to his car.

Roxy and I nodded before making our way to the elevator.

We got in and pressed the ground floor button but, before the door could close, a hand reached in, stopping it.

It opened back up, revealing and older man. "Sorry, mind if I join you?" He asked.

We just nodded.

He flashed us a smile before stepping in, standing in front of us, pressing one of the many numbered buttons.

Roxy and I shared an uneasy glance.

I slowly slid my hand behind my back, grabbing hold of my pistol.

I looked back at Roxy, she nodded.

Before I could make my move, the elevator dinged.

"This is my stop." The man said before walking out.

As soon as he was out of sight, a group of men formed at the end of the hallway, raising their assault rifles at us.

"Get down!" Roxy yelled as they opened fire.

We slid down the elevator wall on either side of the door.

Roxy frantically pushed the buttons as I pulled my pistol, sending a few shots out the door.

I slowly got to my feet and looked at the back wall of the elevator, seeing the men in the reflection.

They stopped to reload, I took the opportunity to step out and fire off more shots, dropping two of them before the doors slid closed in front of me.

"Shit! I should've known that bitch wouldn't listen." Roxy said, pulling her shotgun from the bag.

I reloaded my piston before holstering it, Roxy handing me my rifle.

Eventually, the elevator dinged again, dropping us off a couple floors from the ground level.

"C'mon, we'll take the stairs." Roxy said, sweeping her shotgun around the hallway before walking out, me following behind, rifle trained in front of me.

We slowly crept down the hallway, searching for any signs of movement.

Then, a door opened, I quickly pointed my rifle at it.

The woman threw her hands up. "Don't shoot."

I lowered my rifle. "Sorry, ma'am, police business."

Then, a few shots rang out, hitting the woman in the leg.

I crouched down behind the open door, Roxy taking cover behind a nearby plant.

Two men stood at the end of the hallway.

Roxy stepped up, firing off three shots in their direction. She hit one, sending him flying back into the wall behind him.

I leaned out from behind the door and sent a few shots at the second man, dropping him as well.

I covered the hallway while Roxy tended to the woman.

She clicked on her earpiece. "Ames, they're here. Call an ambulance we have a woman down on the second floor."

"Copy that, I'm coming up."

Roxy knelt down next to the woman, pulling her belt off and wrapping it around her leg. "Keep pressure on it, the paramedics should be here soon."

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