Chapter 6

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After finally finding a gas station, I pulled into the parking lot and headed inside.

I bought a few packs of cigarettes and started heading for the door, just as a beautiful woman was walking in.

She gave me a smile and a wink as she walked past.

But, I just ignored her and kept walking. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned, coming face to face with the woman. "Can I help you?"

She just smiled again before punching me hard in the face.

I fell back into a snack display.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked, holding my bloody nose.

The woman stood over me and started reaching behind her back. "Pity, such a beautiful woman going to waste, but-"

Before she could finish, I kicked her in the knee, sending her crashing to the ground, her gun sliding across the floor.

I quickly got to my feet, just as the woman did the same.

"Uh, can you ladies take this outside?" The man behind the counter asked.

The woman turned towards him and put her finger to her lips. "Shh, this does not concern you, old man."

He just nodded and backed up a little.

Then, she turned back to me.

"You must be Ruby." I said.

"Beauty and brains, I am impressed." She replied.

I scoffed. "I hear you're a real badass, but you don't look that tough to me."

She just continued to smile before backing up a few steps and dropping into a martial arts pose.

I pulled my fists up. "Time to see if those boxing lessons payed off."

I hesitantly took a step towards her.

But, before I could even make a move, she threw a round house kick at my head. Luckily, I ducked just in time.

I quickly recovered and took a swing at her, but she caught my arm and twisted it before kicking me in the back of the leg, dropping me down to my knees.

She wrenched my arm behind my back and bent down to whisper in my ear. "Such a delicate flower, so easily wilted in the wind."

I rolled forward with a grunt, pulling free from her grasp.

I got to my knees just in time to catch her knee to my chin, sending me back onto the ground and knocking me unconscious...

When I came to, I could smell gas.

I sat up on the floor and rubbed my head, seeing Ruby standing in the doorway, a lit match in her hand.

She blew me a kiss before dropping the match and taking off.

The floor immediately went up in flames.

"Shit." I said as I quickly got to my feet and ran up to the counter, seeing the old man laying behind it, a bullet hole in his forehead.

I started to panic as I looked back at the front doors, which were blocked by the fire. I quickly looked around for another exit, spotting a back door on the wall.

I ran for the door just as one of the gas pumps outside exploded, shattering all the windows on the front of the gas station.

I kicked the door open and ran outside as the rest of the gas pumps exploded, sending a huge fireball high into the sky.

I made a beeline for the front of the building, luckily my car was untouched by the explosions.

After getting in, I started it up and floored it out of the parking lot, back to Bucks house.

   I took a quick glance in the rear view mirror, seeing huge columns of flame shooting out of the ground and the rest of the gas station starting to collapse from the fire...

When I got back to the safehouse, I ran through the door and collapsed to my knees on the kitchen floor.

Roxy was at my side in a second. "What the hell happened?"

I coughed, trying to get my breath back. "Ruby... she was there... she blew it up."

"Hey, hey, slow down. Catch your breath first." Buck said, kneeling down next to Roxy.

I sat back on the floor and took a few deep breaths. "I ran into Ruby at the gas station..."

"And? What happened?" Roxy asked.

I shook my head. "Well, after she kicked my ass, she wasted the clerk and blew the fucking thing up. With me still inside."

"Are you ok?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

Roxy helped me to my feet and led me to the table.

"Do they know where this place is?" Ned asked.

"I doubt it, I was pretty far out. Plus, she was on her own."

   "We should stay alert anyway, just in case." Buck said.

   "Agreed." Roxy added.

Ned and I nodded our agreement.


I sat down on the couch in the living room, across from Buck, who sat in a leather chair next to the fireplace.

Roxy and Ned argued in the kitchen about what we'd be having for dinner.

I pulled a crumpled pack of cigarettes from my pocket. "You care if I smoke in here?"

Buck shrugged. "Only if you're sharing."

I pulled two bent-up cigarettes out and handed one to him.

He lit his then held his lighter out so I could light mine.

"So, how do you and Roxy know each other?" I asked.

He leaned back in his chair, taking a hit from the cigarette. "Well, I met Roxy probably ten years ago. She was just a rookie then, on her way back from transporting a witness and stopped at my bar for a drink. We got to talking and the rest is history."

I chuckled. "You didn't sleep with her, did you?"

"I heard that." Roxy called out from the kitchen, causing us to laugh.

"No, never. I was married when I first met Roxy." He replied.

"Yeah? What happened with that?"

He took a long hit from his cigarette. "... Let's call it 'a difference of opinions.'"

I nodded. "Fair enough."

"What about you? How'd you guys meet?" He asked.

"Well, I got framed for a murder and she was assigned with transporting me to prison. But, given the circumstances, I still found myself instantly attracted to her. She was just so beautiful, not to mention a total badass... And I could tell she felt the same way."

I felt a hand on my shoulder then, looking up to see Roxy standing there. "Please, I couldn't stand you when I first met you. And you trying to escape didn't help things."

I chuckled. "Whatever, you know you love me."

She smiled and leaned down for a quick kiss. "True, now c'mon, dinner's ready."

After dinner, I got comfortable on the bed in one of the spare rooms.

Roxy and Ned decided to take first watch for the night, which I was ok with, because after the whole gas station incident, I was ready for some much needed rest.

I was fast asleep before my head even hit the pillow...

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