Chapter 9

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I saw the smoke rising high above the trees before we pulled into the driveway.

Ruby got off her bike as we stepped out of the car.

"Oz is gone, the rest of his men are either scattered around the property or burned to a crisp inside the house." She said as I approached.

I shook my head, anger starting to fill my gut. "What the fuck do I pay you for!"

I looked around at everyone, but they averted my gaze.

"Jax, Ruby, take care of the rest of the bodies, I don't want any traces that we were here." I said.

They nodded before splitting off and doing what I asked.

"What about Oz?" Maddox asked.

"Bury him in the woods." I replied before walking back to my car.

"What're you gonna do?" He asked.

I leaned against my car, pulling my phone out. "I'm gonna call the detective..."

We drove late into the night, stopping at the first hotel we could find.

As Roxy payed for a couple rooms, I stood next to Ned.

"How the hell did they find us?"

Ned lowered his head. "They probably followed us back from the store... this is all my fault."

"No it's not." Roxy said as she approached. "It's no ones fault... Buck knew what he was getting himself into, it could've happened to any of us." Then, she handed Ned a key before walking off to our room.

We eventually followed her.

Roxy unlocked to door and walked in.

"I'll be right down the hall if you need anything." Ned said before walking off to his room.

I followed Roxy into our room and set my bag on the bed before sitting on the edge, placing my head in my hands.

Roxy sat at the little table, pulling Oz's phone out.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

She set the phone down with a sigh. "I don't know yet."

I slowly took my shoes and jacket off before laying down on the bed, attempting to get comfortable. Luckily sleep took me quickly...

When I woke up the next morning, Roxy was already up, talking to the detectives and Ned.

I rubbed my eyes as I stood up.

"... this has gone too far. You need to step back and let us handle this." Ames said.

"If only we could." I replied.

They all looked over at me.

Ames stood up. "Look, I know this isn't your fault, but too many have died. This isn't your fight anymore."

"The hell it isn't, Buck gave his life for ours. I won't rest until each and everyone of them are six feet under." Roxy said.

Everyone grew quiet, Roxy's words hitting each of us.

"What can we do to help?" Starling asked.

Roxy glanced at her before pulling out Oz's phone, holding it up. "We make a call. We end this once and for all."

We all glanced around, nodding our agreement.

"We're gonna need a lot of guns." I said.

"Let us handle that." Ames said.

So, while the detectives got to work on arming us, Ned, Roxy, and I stayed behind to devise a plan.

"We meet them on their terms. Just Audrey and I." Roxy said.

"I'll stay behind with the detectives. We'll be your backup." Ned said.

"So, we're going in alone?" I asked.

"Summers only wants you two. But, don't worry, we won't be far. If anything happens, we'll be there." Ned replied.

I nodded, folding my arms over my chest. "Alright, I don't like this plan. Let's make the call before I change my mind."

Roxy nodded and clicked Summers name in the contacts, setting the phone on the table in front of us.

After a few rings, Summers answered. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite couple."

"Cut the shit, we're tired of all this running around. We wanna meet you and settle this like adults." Roxy said.

"Meaning we're gonna put a bullet in your head." I added.

Summers laughed. "We'll see about that, bitch."

"Listen, we're willing to do this on your terms. You name the time and place." Roxy said.

Summers was quiet for a second. "Alright, don't lose this phone, I'll send you the details soon enough. Until then, you might wanna get your affairs in order."

"We'll see you soon." I replied before hanging up the phone.

Roxy cracked her knuckles, seemingly tense. "Now we wait."

And that's exactly what we did. We weren't sure when Summers would reply, but we were ready to put an end to this thing...

I hung up the phone and turned to Maddox. "Get a team together, I want them dead, no more games. If they think we're really gonna play by their rules, they've got another thing coming."

He nodded, a slight smile spreading on his lips. "Yes, ma'am." Then, he was out the door.

"What about us?" Jax asked.

"I want you two here, just on the off chance they make it out of this. I'll send them the details when Maddox has his team ready. Until then, we wait."

They nodded. "Yes, ma'am..."

The next day, the detectives returned with the firepower.

Ames set two large bags down on the bed. "Three Assault rifles, two shotguns, five pistols and as much ammo as you can carry." He said.

We all picked our guns and started loading them.

"Any word from Summers yet?" Starling asked.

"Nope." I replied.

"She's probably just playing games with us, she'll call soon enough." Roxy added.

As if she could hear us, the phone started ringing.

Roxy pulled it out and answered it, putting it on speaker.

We all gathered around as Summers spoke. "Alright, there's a small warehouse a little ways out of town, I'll send you the coordinates. Be there at eight o'clock tonight."

"We'll be there." Roxy said before hanging up.

"Alright people, you heard her. We have less than three hours. Does everyone remember the plan?" Ames asked.

We nodded.

He nodded back, digging into his pocket and pulling five earpieces out. "Everyone wear these. If anything happens to Fischer and Audrey in there, we're going in. Until then we sit back."

We all grabbed our earpieces and put them in before testing them.

"Alright, let's get this over with." Roxy said.

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