Chapter One

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I had fell asleep for a little bit, but I woke up when Tasha started crying. I feed her an she went back to sleep. I was pumping some milk just in case I had to leave out for a bit. It would be here when Sasha needed it. I thank God for my sister getting out cause she has been a big help to me.

I know she may be a little upset that I didn't tell her that Danny was close. I just wanted to get all the information beforehand.

I kept getting the twitch in my left eye. That was never a good sign. It meant that some trouble was on the horizon an at this point I was on a kill a bitch an deal with the consequences later.

There was a knock at my door so I turned an looked at the clock. It's four in the morning who the hell was up?.

Desire opened the door. Instantly when she walked in with Aubrey in tow I knew it was about to be some bullshit. My right hand got sweaty and my left eye started twitching uncontrollably.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The hospital just called." Des said.

Before she could even finish her sentence I jumped up. I just knew she was about to tell me my husband was dead.

I was gonna pack my kids up an flee the country because I wasn't going to jail no way no how.

"It's not that." Aubrey said I guess reading my mind.

"The nurse said she was doing her nightly rounds an when she got to Carlos room he was gone." Desire said fighting back tears.

Gone. That word just kept echoing through my head as soon as it left her lips.

"What the fuck do you mean he is gone? Gone where? Gone as in someone came an got him?" I asked her.

It wasn't making sense to me how the hell a grown ass injured man can just up an disappear from the hospital without a trace.

"We have to go up to the hospital now." She said.

I hurried up and I just threw on anything. I went to the room next door an woke Sasha to let her know what was up.

The whole ride to the hospital I had a million thoughts in my mind. Where could he be? Did he leave on his own? Did someone take him? Was he ok?

We arrived at the hospital and I felt like time was moving slowly.


I didn't know what they were going to say when we walked into this hospital. They could say they found him and he was dead. Lord I just don't know what the hell was going on. This could be our bad karma coming back to us.

Shakeya looked like she was loosing her damn mind. I know she is hurting an trying so hard to keep it together.

When we got on Carlo's floor there were cops an a few doctor's talking.

"There is his sister and wife." The young doctor said to the cop. He walked over to me an I could tell that he was nervous by the look on his face.

"What happened? Did you find him yet?" I asked trying to keep my emotions in check.

"No ma'am we haven't. The police are looking at the surveillance footage to see who came here." He said.

"What the fuck do you mean he is missing? How does a fucking man disappear that has a gun shot to the chest!?" Shekeya yelled.

"Ma'am we are watching the footage to see if he just left or if he was taking." The one officer said.

"Fucking taking! Like as in kidnapped!" Shakeya yelled again. She was pacing the floor losing control by the second.

I was trying my best to get her to calm down so that we could hear the doctor's an the police.

"We don't know how this could have happened ma'am." The young doctor said.

That was it. Any ounce of patience Shakeya had left had just left the building.

Next thing we knew Shakeya bitch slapped him. "FUCK YOU!" She yelled an stormed off.

I called detective Newman who was at my house no more than nine hours ago telling me he would have a guard outside his room.

"Did they find him? Is he alive?" An hysterical Kelly asked.

"We don't know. The police are checking surveillance footage of the last few hours to see who came in." I told Kelly trying to calm her down.

This was so unreal. It took me back to the time when Raven kidnapped me. I was praying to God that he would keep Carlos alive an safe until we found him.

"Where the hell is Shakeya?" Kelly asked.

"She slapped the doctor and stormed out." Aubrey said.

I was just thinking of who would do a thing like this. Suddenly like a brick hit me I figured it out.

"Keily!" I yelled.

Just than Detective Newman walked in. I knew this would be away to save all our asses.

"Desire I just got your call. Any news?" He asked.

"Keily. Keily she was the last one here when we all left earlier. She use to date Carlos. She is the only one with a vendetta against us. She has to be the one that took Carlos." I told him remembering my dream.

"I will look into it Mrs. Graham." He said stepping away from us.

Only God knows what will happen from here. I pray the police find them before Shakeya does.

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