Chapter Twenty

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I'm confused and I'm at a loss for words. Carlos said he doesn't know anything about Shakeya leaving. Why would she up and leave? Why would she ask me to help Sasha protect her children? Who the hell was she running from? Who was she after? These were all the questions that running through my mind since Key left here and after I talked to my little brother. Shad was already coming over here, but now Kelly and Carlos as well as Sasha was coming too. We were going to try and figure out what the hell was going on with Key. I couldn't imagine her crazy as not being around and the way that she hugged me was like she was saying goodbye forever like she wasn't sure if she was coming back from this.

I kept playing back every conversation that I had with Key the last few weeks. She didn't sound worried or alarmed about anything. She never said anything out of the ordinary. She seemed like herself or am I missing something. I had even called Aubrey so that he could try to help us figure this out as well. We might be getting divorced but he was still apart of this family. Sasha arrived first with the kids. she took them upstairs getting them settled. She came back downstairs and pulled me into the kitchen. No was here so I didn't get way she was pulling me in another room.

"Listen I couldn't tell Carlos cause Shakeya promised me not to say anything to him. I know what she is doing and it's personal for her. Santino was a guy that Key loved and he was a up and coming nigga in the drug game, but he just didn't know how to go about moving in the game. Key had already made a big name for herself in the streets, so she used her knowledge and resources to teach Tino the game. He tried to take over some Cubans territory in Miami and forced Key to have to lay a lot of niggaz down out there. She even had to take down some friends of hers. Anyway Tino no matter what he did could never gain the respect and power that key had. He also found out that Key was the one Domino had to kill his father and when she wouldn't cut Domino off Tino became furious. He faked his death and stole lots of money and drugs from Key. We knew that he was alive and we had people watching his family, so when his brother Leo just up and went to Columbia we knew that was where Tino was. Now Tino is back here in the states and Key is going after her revenge. If she doesn't get him first he will kill everyone and anything that means something to Key. We have to let her do this on her own Des." She said.

I had to sit down because I wasn't ready for the bomb that Sasha just dropped on me. I just realized how much about Key's life I didn't know about. She always told me that she did a lot of things that she wasn't proud of. There was a period of time when Key and I had went down different paths but we came back together. If this situation was as deep as Sasha just said I know Key is not going to stop until this guy Tino was in the ground.

"I wish I would have known all of this before I called everybody. What are we going to do now because Carlos isn't gonna just let this go." I said.

"What am I not gonna let go?" Carlos asked walking in on us. I had to stop giving my family keys to my damn house. I just looked at Sasha not really knowing what to say to him.

"We were just talking about how you are not going let it go not knowing where Key is at. We know how much your wife means to you." Sasha said saving me.

I wouldn't have been able to lie to Carlos know that he has been trying so hard to distant himself from the Cartel so that he can keep his family safe. He was making moves to put someone else in his seat of power. I was so worried but I couldn't let that show because it would only make them ask me questions. Shad and Kelly had just walked in and I was trying to pull it together and play it off but it was hard to do with Carlos staring so intensely at me.

"Have you guys found any clues to where Key might have went. I know she hasn't left the country because I have some of my people watching the airports and private planes." Kelly said.

I tried so hard not to look in Sasha's direction or it would give up the fact that we knew more than we were saying that we knew. I was about to say something when Aubrey walked in and at that moment I was so glad that he was here. He looked at me and I guess he knew me better than I thought because he knew that I knew more than I lead on. The thing is I only just received this information seconds ago. I took a deep breathe and I tried to act like my weirdness was because I was overly worried. I was worried about Key but I also didn't want anyone to aske me any questions.

I went in the kitchen to take a shot of 1800 because I was on the edge. How long has Key known this guy was back here? Why hadn't she ever told me about him? Why did I have this feeling in my gut? I know that Key left to keep us safe but I had this feeling that no matter what we still weren't safe. I felt death in the air and I couldn't shake the feeling.

"When are you going to tell them what you really know?" Aubrey asked me. I just shook my head cause I had no clue what to do.

We walked back into the living room only for Carlos to be looking at us suspect. Sasha said she had to run and get something out of the car. It all happened so fast that I still can't believe it. It was like someone was waiting for the right moment and the next thing we know shots were ringing out. Glass was shattering all around us and I know I was laying on the floor with Aubrey on top of me. Just as fast as the gun shots rang out the where over. None of us were ready for what we were about to find.

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