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Jimin stared at the wine in his hand. It was called white but it was clear. It was called wine but it was sweet, like toffee. He watched Beol down a whole glass in a few gulps, so he did the same. She curled up on the futon, her feet tucked underneath her. The container of noodles with two forks in it was placed on the side table. Jimin chose to sit on one of the chairs so he could move close to her but not invade her space. He knew this was important. Beol began to ask questions he did not have answers to, so he let her get out her frustrations until she let him speak.

"I just want to know who you are. You're staying here and you really scared me and I had a rough day, so I think I deserve that at least," she said, taking one big gulp of her third glass of wine. Jimin was trying to keep up, but was only on his second glass, trying to answer questions as best he could. 

No, he wasn't from here. No, he didn't have family. No friends. No job. But he had money leftover from "circumstances" and he could pay rent while looking for a stable job. The reality was that he could create money with his powers. It was an illusion, and it felt very unethical since is wasn't tied to any real value. But it would buy him some time before he could find a real job. 

Nearly two hours into their Q&A and it seemed that Beol just wanted to be sure that Jimin wasn't going to attack her in the middle of the night. He sighed when she asked, "But what if you're an alien from outer space? What am I supposed to do if I have to keep you forever?" 

Jimin's heart caught in his throat. He answered, "What if I've been living on the moon for decades? What am I supposed to do if I only know Beol when I come down to the Earth?"

Beol laughed, but Jimin wasn't finished, "I don't know who I am or where I come from. But I do know that I've been watching you for weeks and you're the first human I've been able to touch from far away." 

Beol stares at Jimin like he's insulted her. Jimin continues, "I lived on the moon with no memory of who I was but then one day, today, I am able to touch someone from there. I never could before until now." Jimin moves to the couch next to Beol, his body needing to communicate; needing to tell her what happened. 

"I touched you from 238,900 miles away. You and I walked one mile together. I want to walk many more miles with you."


Beol's head was swimming. She didn't usually drink this much, especially not with guests. But she couldn't process this. She stood up from the couch and nearly fainted from standing up too fast. Jimin placed his hands on her hips to stabilize her and she winced. He immediately let go, but kept his hands near her as if to catch her if she fell. The heat from his hands still lingered.

Why was he so hot?

She moved to the kitchen and downed a full glass of water, vision still a bit blurry. He was close to her, with his arms on either side. She slumped her elbows on the kitchen counter and he placed a hand on each side of the counter next to her. Jimin was making sure she wouldn't fall. She didn't know what to make of him or his story, but he seemed truthful. He also seemed to care about her, for some reason.

Y/N moaned and felt her senses coming back to her. The cold counter felt nice on her face. It had been a long day and she had drunk at least 3 glasses of wine rather quickly. As she was processing how drunk she actually was, she suddenly felt that her ass was rubbing on Jimin's crotch. Maybe it was the wine, but it felt good being pressed against him like that. She let out a little whine and wiggled absentmindedly, her ass rubbing against the rough jeans. Her leggings were thin and she could feel how tight her jeans were on him. She spun around suddenly, found herself facing him, and startled. Jimin looked at her with a dark expression. His eyes were hooded and he looked angry. She didn't think he could look angry with his soft features, but he did.

His lips were pursed, but Y/N could feel a soft growl bubbling up from his chest. Maybe she was wrong about him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get drunk. I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she said as calmly as she could. His expression shifted back to worry as she spoke. He still had his arms on either side of her, pinning her against the counter. He stepped closer to her and leaned in so that his lips were next to her ear.

"Don't tempt me, Beol."

There was that nickname again. Y/N flushed. He was so close. She felt hot. Too hot.


Beol was laying over the counter, propped up by her elbows. Jimin didn't know what to do, but his instinct was to keep her from falling in case she passed out. He put one had on each side of her and waited for her to say something. She moaned as if frustrated and leaned further over the counter, pressing her face into the cold top and pushing her ass back into him. He froze. He felt the heat begin to spread through his body. His penis began to get hard. She must've realized the position they were in because she wiggled further into him.

Did she want this? No, she's just drunk. She isn't thinking straight.

Jimin's eyebrows rose and he fought every instinct to grab her hips and grind on her lovely ass which was barely covered by those tight clothes. He wanted to feel her skin under her sweater and play with her breasts. He felt himself getting angry, not at her but at the situation. He remembered skin on skin. He remembered slick juices and red nipples and mouths wanted to be filled. Sex was something he remembered more than anything else and it drove him insane on that rock. But he would relieve himself, as he always did, and carry on.

She spun around and he told her not to tempt him. He knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. He needed time to figure her out.

With a deep sigh, Jimin stepped away from the counter and Beol ran to the bathroom.


She wasn't going to throw up. Y/N just needed a shower. She closed the bathroom door and began to strip, her hands coming into contact with her own breasts and then her pussy. She slowed and fingered her nipple. It had been so long since she had sex. Maybe 10 months ago, Jake had begun to see another woman. He had stopped playing with her and eventually stopped touching her altogether. Since then, touching another person just felt wrong. 

With thoughts of Jimin in her head, she took a long, hot shower and pleasured herself.


Jimin grabbed a paper towel from the counter and crawled onto the futon when he heard the shower turn on. He unbuttoned the jeans and pulled out his cock. He was very comfortable. Perhaps too comfortable; here, on this futon, in this apartment. He could still feel Beol pressed up against him and he pictured her ass naked, in the same position. He pictured doing things to her he'd probably never do. He pumped his cock until he came, catching the juices with the towel. At least now he could think clearly. 


Y/N stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.  She paused at the sight of a fully clothed Jimin, asleep with his legs splayed out on the folded out futon. He had pulled the black hoodie over his head and his cheeks were puffy. He looked adorable. She smiled and grabbed a blanket from the corner of the room. As she was tucking him in, trying her best to cover his bare feet, he touched her arm and said, "I don't know why we get hot when we touch. I don't know why I can't remember why I was on the moon. I don't even know how I was able to watch people or how I got to the Earth today," he sounded so tired. Y/N could feel the heat beginning to spread in her arm. She pulled away and said, "It's okay. We'll figure it all out tomorrow. Everything will be okay." She doesn't know why she tried to comfort him, but it seemed to work. Jimin nodded and went back to sleep. 

Y/N had no time to think when she got into bed. She fell fast asleep and dreamed of a boy walking on the, dark, silent moon, with the bright blue Earth behind him.

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