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Jimin's heart dropped into his stomach. Beol was down there, dancing with Seokjin. He and Seokjin had met fighting over a study spot in the lounge area of the Computer Science building. Of course, neither of them were a part of the CompSci program, but that building had the best view from it's windows, and it was always quiet. When they realized they had this in common, they laughed and shared the spot, kind of like a timeshare. They even had each other's numbers.

The last fact hit Jimin hard.

They had each other's numbers.

Jimin scrambled for his phone and texted Seokjin:

Jimin: hey! u at Thyrsus? come upstairs, we have a private booth.

Jinnie: I don't think that would be the best idea. I think we're leaving soon.

Dammit. He knew.

Jimin put down his drink next to where Hoseok and Sooni were dancing, gave an apologetic look at Hoseok, who looked back, confused, and then Jimin down the stairs to the first level of the club.


Y/N was lost in the music, dancing with Jin and not thinking of anything else except for the beat. Running low on his drink, Seokjin leaned in and said, "Let's go to the bar!"

She held his hand and they made their way through the crowd. Seokjin grabbed his phone out of his pocket, the light shining on his face as he answered a text.

Y/N got to the bar and placed her empty glass on the counter, smiling at the bartender, flirting for special treatment. It doesn't work.

Seokjin leans in to her ear and says, "The bartenders are assholes here, let's go to Mojito."

Y/N furrowed her brow. She liked this place, and the DJ was playing good tunes.

"Excuse me" she yells at a different bartender, "My friend is complaining about the service here. Will you please get him a drink?"

The bartender gave her a serious nod and came to take her order.


Jimin got to the bottom of the stairs and stared out into the crowd, looking for Beol's white top and gold skirt. She stood out amongst the blackness and he couldn't help but feel proud of her, having the confidence to get people's attention in a place like this.

Scanning the bar, he spotted Jin and rushed at him, eyes wide.

"Where is she?" he said loudly over the music.

Seokjin put his arms on Jimin's shoulders and pushed him away from the bar, towards the entrance of the club where everything was a lot quieter.

"You can't be here. You know that." Jin said, reluctantly. Jimin could see the concern in his eyes. He truly cared for her.

Jimin thought for a second, an idea popping into his head.

"What are you doing for Spring Break? Hoseok and I are going to the shore and we have an extra bed in the Airbnb."

He looked at Seokjin, pleading with his eyes to take him up on his offer.

"I don't know. I need to talk to Y/N."

Jimin blinked. He hadn't heard that name in so long. She was still Beol to him. She'd always be Beol to him.

"Okay. Just... think about it. You'd have to drive there, but the place is amazing, right on the water. I'd leave y'all alone. I got plans anyways..." he trailed off, knowing it was a lie.

He wasn't a good person anyway.


Y/N looked around for Jin. She had gotten his favorite cocktail and a drink for herself as well, but she didn't see him anywhere.

Double-fisting, she wandered around the edges of the dancefloor, trying to find Jin.

When she spotted him, she saw his eyes were wide with excitement and he exclaimed, "We got plans for Spring Break-- on the Shore!"


Y/N was still hungover while Jin bursted into her apartment. She was still hungover while he dragged her to eat breakfast at the 7/11 at 6am, and she was just beginning to sober up while they pulled into the driveway of the Airbnb that was the perfect beach hideaway.

The home was right on the water and had a sort of tiki hut vibe to it. Y/N got her bag out of the trunk and walked inside. The place had floor to ceiling windows all around, no neighbors in sight. The living room and kitchen were on the first floor, all open, a small spiral staircase leading to what she assumed to be the bedrooms.

Y/N got situated in the bedroom Seokjin described as "the first on the left" and made her way back downstairs. She didn't think anyone else was there yet, so her and Jin decided to grab some drinks and get into the hot tub.

As she descended into the hot water, jets massaging her back and neck muscles, she realized she had no idea who they were staying with.

"It's just a friend of mine. Well, a couple of friends of mine... no, no... like... family."

Y/N smiled at this. She knew it was hard for Jin to open up to people, so she felt that at least she could feel comfortable with those he felt comfortable with.

As the sun went down, the rest of the party showed up, and she recognized them right away.

Oh no.

Hoseok chased Sooni out of the back door and both jumped into the pool, playfully tickling each other. And who followed them but a tousled, worried-looking Jimin, who looked right at her and then turned away, disappearing back into the house and up the spiral staircase.

"Jin, what kind of game are you playing at?" Y/N said, not knowing how to feel towards her new friend.

"He said that he'd leave us alone, and I didn't want to pass up on the free place to stay." Jin said, trying to look as innocent as possible.

Y/N looked towards the house and the staircase.

"Okay. Just... make sure he does."

"Psshhh, you can look after yourself. I don't know why you're so upset anyway. You always look after him, you know his schedule, including his habitual bathroom breaks and favorite snack machines. Now, here, you've got eyes on him all the time." Jin said, almost jokingly but Y/N knew it wasn't untrue.

Just then, Hoseok and Sooni were making their way to the tub, still giggly and playful with each other.

Y/N was grateful to Hoseok for staying friends with Jimin during the fallout of their fling. She of course was still friends with him and she also was warming up to Sooni overtime, even if she could barely spend time with her alone cause she and Hoseok fucked like rabbits.

Sooni was wearing the teensiest bikini top she'd ever seen with matching Brazilian-style bikini bottom. Y/N had gotten used to Sooni's various states of undress and also realized that Sooni liked when people looked, men or women.

Y/N smiled and said, "Spring Break!" and the others lifted their glasses and cheered. She was determined to have a fun time.

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