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Once again, Beol felt powerful, like a star. Every moment she spent next to Jimin gave her an energy and made her feel like she could take on the world. There was an assurance to the way he carried himself; an essence he exuded that made her feel like her anxieties weren't so heavy after all.

It didn't take long for Jimin to stop crying, and when he finally stood up to walk back to the house, he took her hand in his and pulled her along, walking ahead of her and looking as though her presence made him stronger. 

They made each other stronger. 

Beol's heart filled with a love she forgot she could give. She looked over her shoulder at the sunrise, orange and pink, filling up the earth with its warmth. Then she turn back to Jimin, walking ahead of her, her hand in his, his warmth more powerful than sun, and his renewed strength more vibrant than its brightness. 


Jimin felt light. Like he had let go an exceptional amount of weight from his chest.

When he and Beol reached the house, the rest of the group was gathering in the kitchen, making breakfast and deciding what the day would hold.

Beol saw Jin pouring himself a cup of coffee and she pulled him outside, probably to ask him how his night went with Namjoon. Jimin felt strange amongst the crowd. He had spent so much time avoiding everyone, he'd forgotten that he actually enjoyed the company.

After breakfast, Hoseok stood on the counter and proclaimed, "And on the third day, Hobi declared that today will be a day of rest, so we can party hard tonight." The group burst into laughter and Jimin looked after Beol, who was still outside, chatting with Jin. He then looked over at Joon, who was looking after them as well, cheeks slightly red.

"So you and Jin hit it off, huh?" Jimin asked the boy.

Namjoon chuckled, "Yeah... I guess so. Jin's... a really sweet guy."

Beol and Jin came back inside, Beol looking particularly red and laughing hard, probably having heard what Jin and Joon had done the night before, on that couch. Jimin had heard late at night, and it was more than just cuddling.

A few hours later, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Dante and Elin had left to rest and get changed for the evening. Jin obviously wanted to spend more time getting to know Joon and Beol didn't question him.

Jimin and Beol had gone their separate ways, Jimin upstairs in the study and Beol downstairs watching TV with Sooni and Hoseok.

He wanted to make sure she had space. Sure, he told her about his past but it still didn't change that he broke her heart. It didn't explain why she found him with Elin.

Jimin was pouring over his books, trying to distract himself so he wouldn't March downstairs, grab Beol, and...

He shook his head of the thought. It was too soon and he had more to explain. Just then a knock at the door made him jump.


Beol sat on the couch, barely paying attention to what was on the TV. Hoseok and Sooni were cuddling and getting progressively flirtatious. She rolled her eyes and quietly excused herself from the room, heading upstairs.

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