#chap5 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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Then, with a tact that only guys have, he said, “You are quite beautiful.” Shruti was quite taken aback and didn't know how to react at the statement. She sensed there was something more to it and looked at him.

To be continued…

Atharva commented, “I'm sure there must have been a lot of guys interested in having a relationship with you during your college years.”
Shruti understood  what was he implying at.

In today’s age, it’s taken lightly to have a casual fling, but she was never of the opinion and didn’t feel offended when he questioned.

She clarified, “Actually owing to my schooling, I was never comfortable with boys around. I had studies in a girls school till 10th. Had never even attended group tuitions as mumma only used to teach us, and for 10th had tutor coming home. So after that, when I went for my Jr college, it was a sudden jolt for me and I used to feel very awkward. I was so used to being with girls, bindaas carefree that I was never completely at ease with guys with whom I  wasn't acquainted; being in a relationship was out of question. I never had the guts to do anything without letting my parents  know; would have felt guilty. What about you?” She thought of asking him bluntly since he had been so straight forward about it.

Atharva replied,  “I had an infatuation in my college days but never went ahead. Somehow didn't materialise.”
Shruti didn't believe it and it must have shown on her face.

He clarified, “No seriously, it was just a passing phase I feel. Nothing more than that. I asked you because frankly I'm a bit possessive and a very straight forward guy. I would like it to be in the open. Trust is very important to me. I take it very seriously and hope you are able to understand that.”

Shruti got quite conscious and just nodded her head. Both fell silent for a moment, not realising that almost an hour had passed, and there were people waiting outside for them to come out.

The Vermas  had moong pakoras, samosa khandvi (a gujju dish made out of gram flour), a home made sweet called gudpapdi( made from wheat flour, jaggery and ghee) along with tea for snacks. They had talked on all possible topics... from politics to textiles, everything... but Atharva and Shruti were yet to be done with their chatting. That in itself was a clear indication to the Shah family that Atharva must have found Shruti quite pleasing coz he was not at all the types to chat or be unnecessarily social.

Preksha being the only female other than Alpaji, was busy serving and handling Isha. Preksha knocked at the door, went in the room and offered snacks to Atharva and Shruti as well, to which Shruti politely refused. Preksha still insisted her to have whatever lil she was willing to and left the room.

At the back of her mind, she had this gut feeling that Atharva definitely looked smitten. He is absolutely addicted to the  swing. Little did Shruti know that him offering her the swing itself was considered to be a big sacrifice, that too for so long. Although, she would know in the future that their first meeting was the first and the last time such a sacrifice had been made, as he was supposedly overly enthralled by her to have forfeited his ‘sole right.'

At one point, the relative, Mr Parmar who was sitting on the sofa with the men, thought that he saw Shruti coming out and even got up saying, “Chalo chalo, Shruti has come,” only to realise that he had mistakenly thought Preksha as Shruti, and sat down again. Mr Shah jokingly said, “Judging from the extent of conversation they are having, we can consider that they will fix everything in the room itself and come.”

Everyone laughed at the awkward situation. Mr Parmar particularly being a hyper active person didn’t have the patience to sit and wait longer; kept checking his watch. He casually mentioned, “Its been more than an hour, so I assumed Shruti must have come out.”

Meanwhile, Atharva changed the topic and inquired, “Shruti, do you like travelling?”
This was a topic Shruti could really talk about for a long time. She replied with enthusiasm and sparkle in her eyes. “Oh yes! Simply love going to places, exploring the world around. Have been fortunate enough to get an opportunity to visit most of India except eastern India. Also, have done a lot of foreign trips in the last couple of years. It used to be all the more fun as we were always in a big group with cousins. So whether it was somewhere as local as Lonavala,  our so called second home Mahabaleshwar, a beautiful place like Switzerland or an exotic location like Hawaii, we used to enjoy everywhere. Have  been blessed to be brought up in a family that has a lot of strong bonding with each other.”

Atharva said enthusiastically, “Even I have travelled quite a bit. Have been to USA and Europe. Although not with family; they were mostly business trips. Since I was going all the way over there, had done sight seeing. But I envy you, can imagine all the fun you had! Africa and Australia not done though.”
Shruti responded with disbelief in her voice and exclaimed, “What a coincidence! Even I haven’t been able to visit Africa and Australia…  although would love to go."

Atharva smiled at her; was taken aback when a thought suddenly came in his mind… ‘Will take you to Australia for our honeymoon' and abruptly came back to his senses, not able to understand why his heartbeats seemed to have increased. It was wayyyy too early to think about honeymoon, when he was not even sure what the future holds for them. But he couldn't help it; the thought had just popped up in his mind out of nowhere. He chided himself, ‘Atharva… steady yourself. You are not thinking with your brain.’

Just to divert his mind, he got up and took a box of chocolates lying in the room. He came and stood near the swing and offered her, saying, “These are home made chocolates with different flavours. Please have... it's very delicious.”
Shruti picked up one with a blue wrapper when Atharva mentioned, “That must be caramel I think.”
She said delightedly, “Oh yum! That’s my favourite flavour!! Thanks.” She smiled at him and he reciprocated with a charming smile that took her breath away.

It was Shruti’s turn to feel that jolt of current flowing in her body. Suddenly, the realisation struck that she had come a long way with him in just that one meeting. They had seemed to talk about everything under the sun. She felt an unusual attraction for him. But immediately checked herself, knowing very well that it would take a lot more on both sides than just this meeting. If everything works out well, only then she can have the liberty to harbour such feelings.  But she could not help it.

At last, both of them realised that they had spent a considerable time talking.
Atharva asked, “Shall we go? All must be waiting outside.”
Shruti said sheepishly, “Ah yes! We talked for quite long.”
She ended up saying with a genuine smile.  “Nice meeting you!”
Atharva was flabbergasted seeing her smile, and said sweetly, “Same here. ”

He opened the door. Shruti was walking in a daze; she was still in a trance. Just outside the room, Atharva gestured towards .....

To be continued...

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