#chap48 #chroniclesoflife #Sagas_by_Irvika #sweetlovestory

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Shruti had been observing him for a while now but didn’t comment. She pretended to be engrossed in watching the game and before they knew, sleep took over both Minish and Shruti. They didn’t realise when they slept, leaving the t.v. and lights on.

It was early in the morning when Atharva woke up to see…..

To be continued….

It was early in the morning when Atharva woke up to see that Minish and Shruti were sleeping in an awkward position and realised that both must have drifted to sleep without bothering to switch off the tv and lights. He got up groggily, did the needful and was about to switch off the lights when he noticed that Shruti’s nightwear had gone a bit haywire.

Suddenly, he felt wide awake, as he took in her sleeping form. It was nothing obscene, just that his heart decided to do aerobics at that very instance. He didn’t have to guard his feelings for her, thankful that they were reciprocated back. He was happy he didn’t have to wait long now when he will cherish waking up beside her every morning, adore her innocent face in her sleep. He chuckled as he knew by now, that more often than not, it would be him waking her rather than the other way round. She was still a kid in certain ways, and he hoped that he would be able to preserve that over the time.

He tucked the blanket around her properly, lingering a bit longer than required and lay down on his bed after switching off the lights, dreaming about their life ahead.

In the morning, Atharva woke up around 8 a.m. while the other two were sleeping. He woke them both; while Minish did get up reluctantly Shruti opened her eyes, murmured a yes and before she knew, went back to sleep.

It was almost 9 a.m. when Atharva came back to check on her to see that she was still sleeping. He shook his head and said a bit loudly, “Shruti!! It’s 9 already. At what time are we planning to get up?” Poor thing, she woke up with a jolt, and said in a hurried tone, “Freak! What are you saying!? How come you didn’t wake me up?” Atharva teased, “Kumbhkaran ki behen hai tu… I woke you up thrice Shru. You keep making fun of me when I go to sleep at night na? But at least I wake up on time, unlike you. Are you aware that both of you slept while the tv and lights were still on?” Shruti said with her eyes going big, “Sachhi? I am not aware when sleep took over. Me and Minishbhai were watching till late.” He returned, “Exactly my point. If you don’t sleep on time, how will you manage to wake up?”

She was feeling very awkward and said in an apprehensive tone, “What can be done now? What will others think? Please tell your mom that I wasn’t feeling well in the night and that is why got late. Okay?” She looked hopefully at him, unable to think of any other excuse. He nodded his head and asked her to speed up. She took a bath at record speed and was out in another 15 minutes.

Atharva could barely suppress a chuckle and went out to discuss about a meeting to be held at office on that day. Shruti self consciously came out and was questioned by Preksha about her health.

Shruti exchanged a glance with Atharva and realised that he had actually bluffed on her behalf. She clarified, “Nothing too much bhabhi… I have been running around too much lately, trying to get things done. So.. I guess fatigue took over. Haven’t sat peacefully at home even for a day. Nothing major though.”

They had decided to get done with the jewellery today as Atharva had insisted to accompany when they would go for the reception outfit as he didn’t trust anyone to select the correct one. Once the male members left for the office, Preksha, Isha, her mother in law and Shruti went to their jewellers in Ghatkopar. They seemed to be a regular clientele judging from the way they were warmly welcomed in the showroom. The pieces were all magnificent and Shruti was relieved to see that her mother in law’s choice in jewellery was good, unlike clothes, where they mostly differed. They spent over an hour, going through various pieces one after the other and finalised a couple of them.

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